Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yogyakarta Travel Guides


When you to the Castle, do notforget the Castle to the Palace Ait. Located approximately 400 meters from theSultan Palace complex about 10 minutes walk to the bird market of SouthKemandungan page (Magangan).

Means the beautiful CastlePark, which was anciently a place of recreation for the Sultan of Yogyakartaand its courtiers. Today, the Castle can be visited by the public masyaratan.Starting from 08.00 until 16.00. In this complex there is a place that is stillconsidered sacred in the Castle, the Garden Ledoksari where this place is aprivate place where the contest and the Sultan.

Among the interesting buildingsare well Gemuling the form of two-storey building with the bottom floor islocated in the basement. In the past, this building is a kind of Sultan mosquewhere daily prayers. This section can be achieved through an undergroundtunnel. In other parts there are many other underground tunnel, which is asecret path, and prepared the way if at any time savior complex is under attackenemies. In the north lies the Castle complex Ngasem market (often called theBird Market) where buying and selling of poultry animals (beautiful birds,songbirds, pigeons bekisar etc.).

In addition to tourism objects,Castle also has the potential of the other can be seeded. Batik painting is oneof the original product of the Castle which has been recognized by the public.Of origin he says, batik painting is a method of painting by utilizing or usingthe principles of batik. Just as in batik, batik painting also uses tools suchas: canting, night, dyes and so on. In addition, the process is similar tobatik, but more varied in accordance with the creativity of artists. The morecomplex color, then the longer the process of manufacture.

If interested in learning,there are many centers that offer a course to learn the process from beginningto expert level / proficient, and from various schools such as naturalism,primitive, classic, realism, surrealism, expressionism and forth as you wish.The learning process is varied, ranging from 1 to 2 days if you just want toknow the basic techniques course, for weeks if you want to master the techniqueof batik to the details.

Prambanan is the largest Hindutemple complex in Indonesia, and is located on the island of Java, about 20 kmeast of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and Semarang 120 km south, just onthe border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. PrambananPrambanan located in the village whose territory is divided between Lahore andKlaten.Candi district was built in about the year 850 AD by one of these two,namely: Rakai Pikatan, the second king of Mataram dynasty I or Balitung MahaSambu, during Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after being built, the temple wasabandoned and deteriorating. 

Renovation of this temple began in 1918, and untilnow has not been completed. The new main building was completed in 1953. Manyparts of the renovated temple, using a new stone, as many original stones werestolen or reused elsewhere. A temple will only be restored when at least 75% ofthe original stone is still there. Therefore, many small temples which wasrebuilt and it just seemed foundation. Now, this temple is a world heritagesite protected by UNESCO since 1991. 

Among other things this means that thecomplex is shielded and has a special status, eg in situations of war.Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the main building is47m high. This temple complex consists of 8 main shrines or temples and morethan 250 small temples. Three main temple called the Trisakti and presented tothe hyang Trimurti: Shiva Batara the Destroyer, Vishnu the Preserver and BataraBatara Brahma the Creator.

Shiva temple in the middle,containing four rooms, one room in every direction of the wind. While theformer contains a statue of Shiva Batara three meters high, the other threestatues contain a smaller size, the statue of Durga, Shiva Batara sakti orwife, Agastya, his teacher, and Ganesha, his son. 

Durga is also known as Raraor Lara / Loro Jongrang (slender virgin) by the locals. For details see thearticle Loro Jonggrang. Two other temples dedicated to Vishnu Batara, facing tothe north and the other dedicated to Batara Brahma, who is facing south. Inaddition there are several other small temples dedicated to the calf Nandini,vehicle Batara Shiva, the swan, vehicle Batara Brahma, and the Garuda, Vishnurides Batara. Then relief around the edge twenty temples depict the epicRamayana. The version described here is different from the Old JavaneseRamayana Kakawin, but similar to the Ramayana story is passed down through oraltradition.

Keratonor in the original palace called the Palace is located in the centerof Jogjakarta. Palace means the place where kings and queens lived, or in otherwords that mean the same Kadaton. In learning about the culture of Java, meaningit has a very deep philosophical meaning.

The architecture of this palaceis the Sultan Hamengkubuwono I himself, who was the founder of the kingdomNgayogyakarta. His expertise in the field of architecture regarded by Dutchscientist-Dr.Pigeund and Dr.Adam who regard it as the "architect of hisPakubuwono II of Surakarta".

There are some parts of thepalace, one of which is the Gate Donopratopo which means "one who isalways good to give to others willingly and capable of eliminatingdesire".
There are two giant statues onthe side, one of which describes the crime and the other describing thegoodness. This means that "you should be able to distinguish, where goodand evil". Not only this, you can also see the cultural heritage of theroyal palace others such as North Square, South Square, Siti Hingil,Kemandungan, Regol Gadungmlati, Regol Brojonolo, Witono Ward, Ward MangunturTakil, Trajumas Ward, Ward Kencono, Praba Yeksa Pavilion, Gedong yellow.

Inside the palace there is amuseum dedicated to the late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the father of SultanHamenggkubuwono X which is the current Sultan. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX is afigure well-known politician and the leader of Indonesia. Encouragement andcontributions to the Republic of Indonesia in the fight for independence isrespected and known by most people of Indonesia.

Yogyakarta was once the capitalof Indonesia (1946-1949) and inaugurated by the Act to be a special area of ​​the same province. The museum isexhibiting a copy of the sacred worth of Heritage, a gift from aforeign kingdom, gamelan, the royal train and a few photos of the royal familyand family structure

Borobudur is one of the bestancient monuments preserved from all over the world even is one of the sevenwonders of the world. This monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the worldand has been claimed as a result of human culture are the most frequentlyvisited by more than a million tourists, both domestic and abroad to date.Style architect of the temple there is nothing resembling even this all overthe world. structure that describes the micro cosmos becomes a question oftenarises, for example when, in what way, how long and by whom this sanctuary hasbeen built.

The right answer to this stillleaves a mystery as there is no written document to date. Based on theinscriptions found by the researchers, noting that Borobudur was built betweenthe eighth century when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty ruling dynasty inCentral Java. The meaning of Borobudur is still not clear. Borobudur is acombination of words and Budur Bara. Coals from Sanskrit means temple ormonastery. While the Budur reminds us of the Balinese word derived from themean beduhur above. In other words, Borobudur means monastery on the hill.

Borobudur is full ofphilosophical ornaments which clearly symbolizes the unity of different pathscan be followed to achieve the most important goal of life. Relief is engravedon the temple walls tell the beauty of life in the study. In other words,Borobudur has the soul of art, philosophy and culture.

Mount Merapi, is the onlyvolcano mount in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. It lies approximately 30kilometers north of Yogyakarta and the peak of the uneven sand plains, coveringan area of ​​approximately 4 hectares,with a few holes of the crater of which husband is always a thick smoke,marking the Merapi volcano is still active.

When the mountain shows themagnitude of eruption, the people of Yogyakarta to see clumps of white smokegray or blackish-victimization of rising above that from a distance looks likea pile of wool. However, in a state of "quiet", so mesmerizing charm,thus stimulating people like mountain climbing and adventure sports loversclimb the mountain to conquer the peak

For those who are lessinterested in making the ascent to the summit can still satisfy the desires ofhis heart to admire the beautiful awesomeness of this volcano, from Bebeng arealocated approximately 2 kilometers southeast region adjacent to Ground, or itcould be seen from the Turi, approximately 5 km Ground areas in the west, ifyou want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be usedbinoculars observers of Mount Merapi in the observation Post Plawangan

Malioboro is a tourist areashopping centers in downtown Yogya along two kilometers, with a range of shops,souvenir shops pavement. This area is always crowded by a wide range ofvehicles, tricycles, and bicycles. The tourists will not be too anxious to beable to enjoy his vacation days in the city of Yogyakarta until late at nightthough. Dishes can be enjoyed in the cafes along the way Malioboro Lesbian,food provided and offered foods typical of Yogya is warm and the fried chickenrice and Padang food, ChinesseFood and so forth.

Malioboro region contains oneof the largest Mall in the city of Yogyakarta is Malioboro Mall, aroundMalioboro there are also a variety of hotels and cottages. In the down roadthere was Malioboro Beringharjo market, where people seeking food and Yogya batikmaterial is also very cheap prices throughout the day. Vredeburg built in theDutch colonial era have now been renovated, and there down the road Malioboro.The fort is also save a lot of the history of the Indonesian struggle againstDutch colonialism. Vredeburg alternative is also one of the tourists to visit.Surrounded by a beautiful garden and not infrequently held an art show aroundthe parking lot Vredeburg.

Malioboro actually is a paththat connects Monument  to the RoyalSultan. For people living in Jogja, Malioboro known as the bustling city asmost economic activity along the street where the provincial governmentinstitutions are located.
Malioboro during the day filledwith business activities. We can easily find "andhong", or pedicabtransportation equipment.

Happy Vacation

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