Sunday, February 12, 2012

Carita Beach

The overlay of whitesand along carita beach beneath the shady trees is an immediate sensation thatcan be felt by the time we arrived at white sands nature park beach of Carita,Pandeglang district, province of Banten. This kind of sensation just a littlepart from a thousand sensation that the tourists can get while being around thebeach that have been professionally managed since 20 years ago.

At White Sands NaturePark of  carita beach, travelers will be pampered with a variety of facilities that will be difficult to find in other areas. Travelers can playjetsky, banana boat, diving, snorkeling or a close look at the beauty of MountKrakatau is second to none. All activities in this sea, can be done with aquiet and comfortable because in this place, a professional lifeguard alertedthe ever alert to protect tourists

In addition, at White Sands, we can do avariety group of  activities such as tug of war and other games that equippedwith a large parking area (to accommodate 150 buses), the bathroom as many as180 units, a mosque and worship facilities, makes this place is perfect for daytrips with family, friends or a large group of other offices

White Sands Nature Park of Carita Beach hasof ​​2.5 ha, is also very easy to reach. The road condition is pretty good andthe scenery along the way are beautiful, spending 2.5 hour drive from Jakartawill not feel anything. Especially when it arrives at White Sands Nature Parkof Carita Beach, will be immediately greeted by a treat of live musicentertainment stage. For those who want to bring a gift for a memento or asouvenir, in the White Sand area also available People's Market which provides arange of souvenirs and  Bantentraditional foods, especially the Pandeglang food. this is one of the best indonesia travel destination.

Carita beach is a nature park that locatedin Pandeglang and established by decree of the Minister of AgricultureNo.440/kpts/UM/1978 on July 15, 1978 as a Natural Park. With a beautifulpanorama and white sand beaches make this area frequently visited by local andforeign tourists

Some species of trees found here include theTeak (Tectona grandis), mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), African Mahogany(Khaya S. antoteca) and bengang (Lagerstromia speciosa). There is also a gardenexperiment forest research centers are developing bud cuttings meranti (Shoreareprosula) and Shorea selanica

Fauna found in Nature Tourism Park is tandocarita Coast (Petaurista elegans), wild boar (Sus vitatus), long-tailed macaques(Macaca fascicularis), lutung (Tachypitechus auratus), lizards (Varanussalvator) and python (Python sp).

There are also half kinds of birds, amongwhich is alap alap (Falco moluccensis), eagle (Spilornis cheela) and type ofother smaller birds. Often is found bat.
Carita beach is rich in natural resources.Cover edges are very gentle with small waves and gently wipe along the coast,combined view of Mount Krakatoa's solid standing in the distance a beautifulnatural engravings treat to the eye.

After reading this article hope you can get allinformation you need before going to carita beach, if you need furtherinformation do not hesitate to contact and ask me. Happy vacation.

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