Monday, February 27, 2012

Worldwide Travel - Travel the whole world

by Jack Smith

Worldwide travel is the dream of everyone who loves traveling, but due to high prices of airlines and expensive airfares it is not possible for everyone. Traveling is the most relaxing activity which refreshes and recharges you. Traveling is full of fun, excitement and adventure. There are approx 193 countries in this world where you can travel. Each has its own culture, religion, tradition and lifestyle.

Due to availability of cheap airfares and low cost flights, a worldwide travel has now become possible. Large numbers of airlines are offering low airfares for your travel. Now, you can travel to destination at any corner of the globe. You just need to choose the destination, where you wish to travel. You can travel for holidays, studies, honeymoons and business trips.

For your air travel, you need to search for the best airlines with which you can travel. For this you need to get the information regarding all this. You can take the help of internet, which will give you hundreds of options. There you will find many travel and tour operators providing all the facilities for your travel. These companies will help you to find cheap flights, discount flights, packages and various other similar services.

The famous destinations for holidays are Australia, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Cape Town, India, Thailand, Mauritius, Goa, Malaysia, Manila and many others. Take the cheap flights, cheap packages, travel insurances, car hire, etc., for your travel to the destinations worldwide.

Avoid peak season travel to any destination which you are traveling. You will get all the information on the internet, about the place, its people, culture, food, etc. You can take discount flights, long haul flights, and cheap flights for your air travel. Travel the whole world, by taking advantages of cheap flights and low airfares. A cheap flight doesn't mean low grade flights, but it means flights with low airfares and low prices.

Visiting different destination every time will be a learning experience. When you explore different destinations, you will come to know various things about that place, people, language, food habits, lifestyle and various other things.

Plan your worldwide travel, by booking cheap flights and packages. Grab the best offer and opportunity for your holiday and business trip.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dubai Travel Guide - A Guide to the City of Contrasts

Dubai Travel Guide takes you to the exciting city of Dubai, one of the seven emirates of UAE, located in the Persian Gulf. This welcoming and prosperous city is increasingly becoming well known worldwide amongst tourists. The Dubai Culture is one of the important things that lure people to this lovely place.

Of late, this city has emerged as a dream destination for leisure and business travelers across the globe with different Dubai Attractions. The city is also popularly known as city of Gold because of its open gold markets.

Dubai is known as the shopping capital of UAE. In fact, shopping is one of the favorite pass times for people in Dubai and for travelers alike. Guests here can experience the magic of glitzy Dubai malls known for their international brands. Dubai Shopping Festival, held in the month of March, is a very popular festival among people from all over the world. The major highlights of this festival include discounts, Raffles, prize draws, cultural events, street entertainers, spectacular fireworks displays and so on. Another festival celebrated in Sharjah is the Ramadan Shopping Festival.

Besides, other Dubai Attractions include rocking nightlife, numerous shops and markets, entertainment and amusement parks, gardens and lot many other recreational activities.

Tourism is one of the backbones of Dubai and the state generates large amount of revenue from this sector. A Dubai Travel Guide is incomplete with visiting some of the fascinating places in Dubai including Dubai Museum, Jumeirah Mosque, Shindagha District, Bastakiya District, and Al Ahmadiya School in Old Dubai. Similarly, places that can not be missed out in New Dubai include Burj al-Arab hotel, Burj Dubai, Palm Islands and so on.

Other interesting things that the Dubai Map features include Beaches and sea, Desert Safari or Dune Bashing, Skiing, Dubai Creek Cruise, Golfing, Hot Air Ballooning and so on. With the availability of Business Class Air Tickets, a smooth trip to Dubai is increasingly becoming easy.

Dubai is the most populous emirate of UAE and one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the world. It is a place of harmonious existence of tradition and modernity. Dubai Travel Guide also features some mesmerizing sky scrappers that attract the attention of the travelers.

Dubai is truly believed to be the ideal place to be in and enjoy. Dubai Travel Guide offers travel packages and other facilities to different tourist destinations for rich as well as budget travelers alike. For accommodation, Dubai has a great number of options for affluent and budget people. Along with luxury resorts and 5-star hotels, Dubai also offers numerous budget hotels lodges for accommodation.

These days, there are many different tour and travel agencies, which offer great service including Business Class Air Tickets, accommodation, sightseeing, food etc. at discounted rates for travelers. With these services around, one can simply go ahead and have a wonderful vacation in the city. Dubai Travel Guide is easily available for tourists who can avail its facilities at low cost and have an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Free International Travel Guides

The World Travel Guide grants all sort of information on various destinations in the world where one can spend their holiday. The target of this guide is to provide every information and facilities of the particular place. If one has been planning for a vacation but are unaware which destination is best to go, for those confused people the travel guidelines may help it. Around the globe there are many holiday destinations where one can go with their family, friends or with loved ones. World Travel Guide gives you information on the places for vacation with the weather information, route to go, accommodation information from hotels, motels, backpackers and lot more. Many holiday destinations attract many people with the amazing sightseeing view or some sites which one should visit. The most important part in travel is that one should know the knowledge and information about the places.

The World Travel Guide provides information to the person who needs. When it comes to choices like which place to go. It's been always a difficulty to choose one particular destination. Intention to go on vacation is to make the moments into memories for that best place should be needed. As there are different people there are different choices. Some of them prefer going on a calm place where they can spend peaceful vacation, some prefer going on a romantic place, but majority of the people prefer to adventure travel. When there is thrill, fun, excitement it makes the holidays more memorable and is also blend of all emotions from fear to fun.

For adventure travel one has to tighten the shoe lace and buck up with the up coming tasks. One can go into the most beautiful islands or in some rainforest place to explore the feel of adventure. In this trip one can definitely climb, hike and ride the bicycle in the rugged mountains. The water sports done in the Ocean Sea or beaches is the scuba diving, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, and rafting in the water, parasailing and lot more. With the help of the World Travel Guide one can have the perfect vacation in Asia, pacific or may be in some other countries. Those who are seek of adventure one can travel to the following places including Africa, America, Canada, Himalayas, Costa Rica, New Zealand and the list goes on an on.

Adventure travel is the very common trend among the young population. In this travel one can get all sorts of combination from trekking, hiking and mountaineering, water rafting, zip-lining and bungee jumping which gives a best memory in this vacation.

Monday, February 13, 2012


In wakatobiyou will find high-value marine species and uniqueness well, with stunningpanoramic underwater. In general, the waters of the sea has a configuration ofthe starting level to sloping towards the sea, and there are some waters thatvery steep. the water depths is Varying, the deepest reaches 1044 meters with abottom mostly sandy and rocky.

This national park has 25 pieces ofcoral reef with a circumference of the coast of the islands along the 600 km.More than 112 species from 13 families including corals Acropora formosa, A.hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungiamolucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora,Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata,throchelliophorum Sarcophyton, and Sinularia spp.

Fish species richness of this nationalpark which is owned as many as 93 species of food fish and ornamental fishtrade among argus spots (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (Naso unicornis),pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish(Lutjanus biguttatus ), rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus), Amphiprion melanopus,Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus

In addition in wakatobi there are several types of sea birds such as geese andmiles of brown (Sula leucogaster plotus), kettle Malay (Charadrius peronii),erasia kingfisher (Alcedo atthis); also there are three types of turtles thatoften landed on the islands is in the national park that is hawksbill turtle(Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles pot (Caretta caretta), and cracked turtle(Lepidochelys olivacea).
Indigenous people living around the nationalpark that is called the sea tribe or Bajau tribe. According to the ancientChinese and European explorers, mentions that people are human beings who hascapability of boating can explore Merqui Islands, Bangkok, Singapore, Sulawesiand the Sulu Archipelago. From whole human boating in Southeast Asia that stillhave traditional cultures boating is only Bajau tribe. See their daily life isan interesting and unique, especially diving into the sea without the equipmentto spear fish.

Hoga Island (Resort Kaledupa), IslandBinongko (Resort Binongko) and Resort Tamia is visited especially attractivefor diving activities, snorkeling, sightseeing ancient, swimming, camping, andcultural tourism.
The best visiting season: April / d inJune and October / December each year.

How to reach the location: from kendarito bau-bau island can be reached with regular speed boat twice a day with andit takes time five hours, or every day with a timber ship for 12 hours. Frombau-bau to Lasalimu take a four wheeler vehicle for two hours, then take WanciLasalimu speed boat it takes time approximately one hour or the last option youcan take timber ship-Wanci Lasalimu for 2.5 hours. Wanci is the first gate intothe Wakatobi National Park area.

TheDetails of Wakatobi Island :
1.39 million hectares of area
Determined by the Minister of Forestry,SK No.. 765/Kpts-II/2002
1.39 million hectares of area
Location of Buton regency, SoutheastSulawesi Province

Air temperature of 19 ° - 34 ° C
Rainfall is 1000-2200 mm / year
Altitude of 0-3 meters above sea level
The geographical position of 5 ° 12 '-6 ° 10' S, 123 ° 20 '- 124 ° 39' E

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ujung Kulon

UjungKulon National Park is the representative of the tropicalrain forest ecosystem remaining lowland and the largest in West Java, and is anideal habitat for the survival of endangered Javan rhinoceros (Rhinocerossondaicus) and other scarce species. There are three types of ecosystems innational parks is the marine ecosystems, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems.

Diversity of plants andanimals in Ujung Kulon National Parkbegan to be known by the researchers, botanists Netherlands and the UK since1820.

Approximately 700species of plants is well protected and 57 species including such rare; merbau(Intsia bijuga), palahlar (Dipterocarpus haseltii), bengang (Lagerstroemiaspeciosa), luminous (Pterospermum diversifolium), ki rain (Engelhardia serrata)and various types of orchids .

Wildlife in Ujung KulonNational Park consists of 35 species of mammals, 5 species of primates, 59species of reptiles, 22 species of amphibians, 240 species of birds, 72 speciesof insects, 142 species of fish and 33 species of coral. scarce animals andprotected than the Javan banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinusjavanicus), Javan (Presbytis Comata Comata), langur (Trachypithecus auratusauratus), deer (Cervus russa timorensis), leopard (Panthera pardus), stone cats(Prionailurus javanensis bengalensis), gibbon (Hylobates moloch), and giantclams (Tridacna gigas).

UjungKulon National Park is an interesting naturalattractions, with the beauty of the various forms of symptoms and the naturaluniqueness of the rivers, waterfalls, white sand beaches, hot springs, marineparks and cultural heritage / history (statue of Ganesha, the Mount PanaitanIsland mercury). All of which create an unforgettable experience for thevisitor and hard to find elsewhere.

UjungKulon National Park with Krakatau Nature Reserve is anational asset, and has been designated a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCOin 1991.
To enhance the abilityof Ujung Kulon National Park management as a World Natural Heritage Site,UNESCO has provided financial support and technical assistance.

Communities livingaround the national park is famous for its tribal art Banten named as Debus.The communities are followers of Islam, but they still retain the customs,traditions, and culture of their ancestors.
Inside the park, thereare places that are sacred to the interests of different religious beliefs. Themost famous as a pilgrimage destination is the cave Biosciences Sirah, which islocated at the western end of the peninsula of Ujung Kulon.

Some sites /interesting place to visit in UjungKulon:
Tamanjaya and Cibiuk.The main entrance to the facility, information center, guest house, dock, hotsprings.

  1. Kalejetan beach,Coral Beds, Cibandawoh. The phenomenon of the southern ocean waves and sandybeaches thick, observation of flora and fauna.
  2. Peucang beach. Whitesand beaches, coral reefs, clear blue waters ideal for swimming events, diving,fishing, snorkeling and ideal place for animal observation in their naturalhabitat.
  3. Karang Copong,Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Tanjung screen, and Ciramea. Explorethe forest, river canoeing, sea grass grazing animals, waterfalls and turtlenesting place.
  4. Handeuleum beach,Cigenter, Cihandeuleum. Observing animals (bull, boar, deer, Javan traces andvarious species of birds), canoeing rivers in the mangrove forest ecosystem.
  5. Panaitan beach, andthe Mount of Mercury. Diving, surfing, and cultural / historical.
  6. The best visitingseason: April up to September.

Ujung Genteng

Before knowingfurthermore about Bali, Lombok or the Pacific Islands, let’s check Edge of Tilebeach (ujung genteng) its promisingtourist activities and quite interesting. Its existence is starting tocontribute indonesian tourism. what make it so interesting? And where is thereal location of this Edge of Tile?.

Edge of Tile (ujung genteng) is part of the southerncoastal region of West Java, precisely located in the District of Ciracap,Sukabumi. If taken from Jakarta, the travel distance to the Edge of Tile (ujunggenteng) is about 220 km. With the car uses the same trip, it takes about 6 to7 hours to reach this location. There are some objects that seeded the end ofEdge of Tile (ujung genteng) to attract visitors, including the Queen AmandaBeach, Beach Cibuaya, Cikaso waterfall, and beach Pangumbahan with green turtlebreeding.

Edge of Tile beach(ujung genteng) is the Indian Ocean coast with huge waves characteristic.However, despite the large choppy, Edge of Tile beach (ujung genteng)  relatively safer than other south coast thatis often claimed. This is because the cluster of rocks that caused big wavescoming from the middle of the ocean divided. at the Edge of Tile beach (ujunggenteng) there is a location favored by surfers, known as Seven Waves. Not onlyquiet interested to local tourists, Seven Waves is also a favorite for surfersaround the world.

If Bali had Tanah Lot,then Edge of Tile beach (ujung genteng)has Amanda Queen. Queen Amanda beach offers views of coral islands in the seasuch as Tanah Lot Bali. That is why the location is known as Tanah Lot AmandaQueen. In addition to the scene queen Amanda, you can also enjoy the"natural aquarium" on the beach Cibuaya. Cibuaya beach makes clearyou can enjoy views of the water below. You can see the fish with beautifulcolors that are stuck in the crevices between rocks. It was a beautiful sight.

Travel to Edge of Tilebeach (ujung genteng) has not been complete without visiting Pangumbahan beach,this beach is favorite places to lay eggs. This beach is a turtle breedinglocations. At the spawning season, the number of existing turtles can achievetwo dozen birds. If lucky, you can see these turtles laying eggs at night. Morefortune if you get the opportunity to see the turtles release their babies intothe sea. quiet interesting right? the turtle nesting in this beach is a largeturtle with about 100 years old.

If you have reach Edgeof Tile beach (ujung genteng) youdon’t need to worry about the hostel or cottage there you can find many hostelstarting from Rp. 70.000 per night, if you got more money you can stay in abetter hotel which will cost you around Rp.200.000 per night. One thing that I wantto tell you at the end of this article, trust me you will never regret if youhave been there even if you had already spent an hour to reach this place butthe existing scenery will pay all your attempt  

Carita Beach

The overlay of whitesand along carita beach beneath the shady trees is an immediate sensation thatcan be felt by the time we arrived at white sands nature park beach of Carita,Pandeglang district, province of Banten. This kind of sensation just a littlepart from a thousand sensation that the tourists can get while being around thebeach that have been professionally managed since 20 years ago.

At White Sands NaturePark of  carita beach, travelers will be pampered with a variety of facilities that will be difficult to find in other areas. Travelers can playjetsky, banana boat, diving, snorkeling or a close look at the beauty of MountKrakatau is second to none. All activities in this sea, can be done with aquiet and comfortable because in this place, a professional lifeguard alertedthe ever alert to protect tourists

In addition, at White Sands, we can do avariety group of  activities such as tug of war and other games that equippedwith a large parking area (to accommodate 150 buses), the bathroom as many as180 units, a mosque and worship facilities, makes this place is perfect for daytrips with family, friends or a large group of other offices

White Sands Nature Park of Carita Beach hasof ​​2.5 ha, is also very easy to reach. The road condition is pretty good andthe scenery along the way are beautiful, spending 2.5 hour drive from Jakartawill not feel anything. Especially when it arrives at White Sands Nature Parkof Carita Beach, will be immediately greeted by a treat of live musicentertainment stage. For those who want to bring a gift for a memento or asouvenir, in the White Sand area also available People's Market which provides arange of souvenirs and  Bantentraditional foods, especially the Pandeglang food. this is one of the best indonesia travel destination.

Carita beach is a nature park that locatedin Pandeglang and established by decree of the Minister of AgricultureNo.440/kpts/UM/1978 on July 15, 1978 as a Natural Park. With a beautifulpanorama and white sand beaches make this area frequently visited by local andforeign tourists

Some species of trees found here include theTeak (Tectona grandis), mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), African Mahogany(Khaya S. antoteca) and bengang (Lagerstromia speciosa). There is also a gardenexperiment forest research centers are developing bud cuttings meranti (Shoreareprosula) and Shorea selanica

Fauna found in Nature Tourism Park is tandocarita Coast (Petaurista elegans), wild boar (Sus vitatus), long-tailed macaques(Macaca fascicularis), lutung (Tachypitechus auratus), lizards (Varanussalvator) and python (Python sp).

There are also half kinds of birds, amongwhich is alap alap (Falco moluccensis), eagle (Spilornis cheela) and type ofother smaller birds. Often is found bat.
Carita beach is rich in natural resources.Cover edges are very gentle with small waves and gently wipe along the coast,combined view of Mount Krakatoa's solid standing in the distance a beautifulnatural engravings treat to the eye.

After reading this article hope you can get allinformation you need before going to carita beach, if you need furtherinformation do not hesitate to contact and ask me. Happy vacation.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yogyakarta Travel Guides


When you to the Castle, do notforget the Castle to the Palace Ait. Located approximately 400 meters from theSultan Palace complex about 10 minutes walk to the bird market of SouthKemandungan page (Magangan).

Means the beautiful CastlePark, which was anciently a place of recreation for the Sultan of Yogyakartaand its courtiers. Today, the Castle can be visited by the public masyaratan.Starting from 08.00 until 16.00. In this complex there is a place that is stillconsidered sacred in the Castle, the Garden Ledoksari where this place is aprivate place where the contest and the Sultan.

Among the interesting buildingsare well Gemuling the form of two-storey building with the bottom floor islocated in the basement. In the past, this building is a kind of Sultan mosquewhere daily prayers. This section can be achieved through an undergroundtunnel. In other parts there are many other underground tunnel, which is asecret path, and prepared the way if at any time savior complex is under attackenemies. In the north lies the Castle complex Ngasem market (often called theBird Market) where buying and selling of poultry animals (beautiful birds,songbirds, pigeons bekisar etc.).

In addition to tourism objects,Castle also has the potential of the other can be seeded. Batik painting is oneof the original product of the Castle which has been recognized by the public.Of origin he says, batik painting is a method of painting by utilizing or usingthe principles of batik. Just as in batik, batik painting also uses tools suchas: canting, night, dyes and so on. In addition, the process is similar tobatik, but more varied in accordance with the creativity of artists. The morecomplex color, then the longer the process of manufacture.

If interested in learning,there are many centers that offer a course to learn the process from beginningto expert level / proficient, and from various schools such as naturalism,primitive, classic, realism, surrealism, expressionism and forth as you wish.The learning process is varied, ranging from 1 to 2 days if you just want toknow the basic techniques course, for weeks if you want to master the techniqueof batik to the details.

Prambanan is the largest Hindutemple complex in Indonesia, and is located on the island of Java, about 20 kmeast of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and Semarang 120 km south, just onthe border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. PrambananPrambanan located in the village whose territory is divided between Lahore andKlaten.Candi district was built in about the year 850 AD by one of these two,namely: Rakai Pikatan, the second king of Mataram dynasty I or Balitung MahaSambu, during Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after being built, the temple wasabandoned and deteriorating. 

Renovation of this temple began in 1918, and untilnow has not been completed. The new main building was completed in 1953. Manyparts of the renovated temple, using a new stone, as many original stones werestolen or reused elsewhere. A temple will only be restored when at least 75% ofthe original stone is still there. Therefore, many small temples which wasrebuilt and it just seemed foundation. Now, this temple is a world heritagesite protected by UNESCO since 1991. 

Among other things this means that thecomplex is shielded and has a special status, eg in situations of war.Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the main building is47m high. This temple complex consists of 8 main shrines or temples and morethan 250 small temples. Three main temple called the Trisakti and presented tothe hyang Trimurti: Shiva Batara the Destroyer, Vishnu the Preserver and BataraBatara Brahma the Creator.

Shiva temple in the middle,containing four rooms, one room in every direction of the wind. While theformer contains a statue of Shiva Batara three meters high, the other threestatues contain a smaller size, the statue of Durga, Shiva Batara sakti orwife, Agastya, his teacher, and Ganesha, his son. 

Durga is also known as Raraor Lara / Loro Jongrang (slender virgin) by the locals. For details see thearticle Loro Jonggrang. Two other temples dedicated to Vishnu Batara, facing tothe north and the other dedicated to Batara Brahma, who is facing south. Inaddition there are several other small temples dedicated to the calf Nandini,vehicle Batara Shiva, the swan, vehicle Batara Brahma, and the Garuda, Vishnurides Batara. Then relief around the edge twenty temples depict the epicRamayana. The version described here is different from the Old JavaneseRamayana Kakawin, but similar to the Ramayana story is passed down through oraltradition.

Keratonor in the original palace called the Palace is located in the centerof Jogjakarta. Palace means the place where kings and queens lived, or in otherwords that mean the same Kadaton. In learning about the culture of Java, meaningit has a very deep philosophical meaning.

The architecture of this palaceis the Sultan Hamengkubuwono I himself, who was the founder of the kingdomNgayogyakarta. His expertise in the field of architecture regarded by Dutchscientist-Dr.Pigeund and Dr.Adam who regard it as the "architect of hisPakubuwono II of Surakarta".

There are some parts of thepalace, one of which is the Gate Donopratopo which means "one who isalways good to give to others willingly and capable of eliminatingdesire".
There are two giant statues onthe side, one of which describes the crime and the other describing thegoodness. This means that "you should be able to distinguish, where goodand evil". Not only this, you can also see the cultural heritage of theroyal palace others such as North Square, South Square, Siti Hingil,Kemandungan, Regol Gadungmlati, Regol Brojonolo, Witono Ward, Ward MangunturTakil, Trajumas Ward, Ward Kencono, Praba Yeksa Pavilion, Gedong yellow.

Inside the palace there is amuseum dedicated to the late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the father of SultanHamenggkubuwono X which is the current Sultan. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX is afigure well-known politician and the leader of Indonesia. Encouragement andcontributions to the Republic of Indonesia in the fight for independence isrespected and known by most people of Indonesia.

Yogyakarta was once the capitalof Indonesia (1946-1949) and inaugurated by the Act to be a special area of ​​the same province. The museum isexhibiting a copy of the sacred worth of Heritage, a gift from aforeign kingdom, gamelan, the royal train and a few photos of the royal familyand family structure

Borobudur is one of the bestancient monuments preserved from all over the world even is one of the sevenwonders of the world. This monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the worldand has been claimed as a result of human culture are the most frequentlyvisited by more than a million tourists, both domestic and abroad to date.Style architect of the temple there is nothing resembling even this all overthe world. structure that describes the micro cosmos becomes a question oftenarises, for example when, in what way, how long and by whom this sanctuary hasbeen built.

The right answer to this stillleaves a mystery as there is no written document to date. Based on theinscriptions found by the researchers, noting that Borobudur was built betweenthe eighth century when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty ruling dynasty inCentral Java. The meaning of Borobudur is still not clear. Borobudur is acombination of words and Budur Bara. Coals from Sanskrit means temple ormonastery. While the Budur reminds us of the Balinese word derived from themean beduhur above. In other words, Borobudur means monastery on the hill.

Borobudur is full ofphilosophical ornaments which clearly symbolizes the unity of different pathscan be followed to achieve the most important goal of life. Relief is engravedon the temple walls tell the beauty of life in the study. In other words,Borobudur has the soul of art, philosophy and culture.

Mount Merapi, is the onlyvolcano mount in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. It lies approximately 30kilometers north of Yogyakarta and the peak of the uneven sand plains, coveringan area of ​​approximately 4 hectares,with a few holes of the crater of which husband is always a thick smoke,marking the Merapi volcano is still active.

When the mountain shows themagnitude of eruption, the people of Yogyakarta to see clumps of white smokegray or blackish-victimization of rising above that from a distance looks likea pile of wool. However, in a state of "quiet", so mesmerizing charm,thus stimulating people like mountain climbing and adventure sports loversclimb the mountain to conquer the peak

For those who are lessinterested in making the ascent to the summit can still satisfy the desires ofhis heart to admire the beautiful awesomeness of this volcano, from Bebeng arealocated approximately 2 kilometers southeast region adjacent to Ground, or itcould be seen from the Turi, approximately 5 km Ground areas in the west, ifyou want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be usedbinoculars observers of Mount Merapi in the observation Post Plawangan

Malioboro is a tourist areashopping centers in downtown Yogya along two kilometers, with a range of shops,souvenir shops pavement. This area is always crowded by a wide range ofvehicles, tricycles, and bicycles. The tourists will not be too anxious to beable to enjoy his vacation days in the city of Yogyakarta until late at nightthough. Dishes can be enjoyed in the cafes along the way Malioboro Lesbian,food provided and offered foods typical of Yogya is warm and the fried chickenrice and Padang food, ChinesseFood and so forth.

Malioboro region contains oneof the largest Mall in the city of Yogyakarta is Malioboro Mall, aroundMalioboro there are also a variety of hotels and cottages. In the down roadthere was Malioboro Beringharjo market, where people seeking food and Yogya batikmaterial is also very cheap prices throughout the day. Vredeburg built in theDutch colonial era have now been renovated, and there down the road Malioboro.The fort is also save a lot of the history of the Indonesian struggle againstDutch colonialism. Vredeburg alternative is also one of the tourists to visit.Surrounded by a beautiful garden and not infrequently held an art show aroundthe parking lot Vredeburg.

Malioboro actually is a paththat connects Monument  to the RoyalSultan. For people living in Jogja, Malioboro known as the bustling city asmost economic activity along the street where the provincial governmentinstitutions are located.
Malioboro during the day filledwith business activities. We can easily find "andhong", or pedicabtransportation equipment.

Happy Vacation

Monday, February 6, 2012

What to do in Bali

Bali is a mystery, a magicalisland that offers visitors everything they want to be traced. There are somany activities to do in Bali. Learn about Balinese culture while having fun,great fun for everyone in Bali. Enjoy everything from surfing to enjoy finedining and shopping. Enjoy the stunning scenery around you, green landscape andbeautiful sunsets. Many exciting activities that will make you feel at home inBali.

What will you do with your timein Bali is up to you, there is no specific ideas. For suggestions of whatactivities to do during your stay on the island of Bali, the following is acollection of what is available to do in Bali.

ImaginationBecome Reality with ATV Ride in Bali
You will never get bored in Bali.The island has so many wonderful places to visit, so many challenging things todo and so many ways to explore the extraordinary beauty of this island. Thisactivity is to stretch the muscles of your arms and get ready to ride an ATV(All Terrain Vehicle) on the terraces the village landscape.

ATVriding will make your imagination into reality. Waythat is really cool to enjoy the beauty of the island of Bali. Past theintersection of cocoa plantations, crawling on muddy roads, wet when crossingstreams, or maximize your speed at the edge of the rice terraces. You can enjoyeverything, especially when you are bumping and jumping along with ATV you drive. In the middle of a remotevillage, in the midst of the fields of local crops, ATV offers you a challenging ways to explore the simple lives of localpeople and the beauty of the village itself. Driving alone or with a passenger,both are equally fun, the guide will take you to the main village road, a verybasic asphalt track with holes here and there, our journey through the homes,fields, rice fields, and also we can see the activity local residents daily.

There are two popular places toplay in Bali ATV, ATV in the Village and Village Kerta Penebel. Your ATV ridingadventure playgrounds offered by the ATV, which is located in the village ofPenebel, Tabanan. Bumpy journey to explore the 6 hectares of cocoa plantationsare located in the border village ofTengkudak. In this episode, with some minor challenges on the track, you'llget used to riding off-road engines are heavy. This experience will certainlyencourage the adventurous side of you to continue to go up to the advancedlevel. After you have enjoyed this level, you will not remember how heavy thesteering wheel.

The next is a beautiful tripyou plan to be riding on a long path that presents many challenges, things thatwill arouse the whole of nature hidden in your adventure. This route will takeyou through a large number of narrow waterways winding as far as 2 kilometersin between rice fields, the thing that really test your driving skills, youwill pass through a traditional village that is not accessible by road,situated in the center of the area and unique agricultural region producing muchfruits throughout the year. Looking for the only road to the outside world andthe opportunity to enjoy the genuine flavors of cocoa pieces while on his wayback to base camp. This fun activity is highly recommended.

Diving,Underwater Viewing Natural Beauty of Bali
Looking for another world to beexplored? Exploring underwater! Bali is the best place to see some of the bestnatural beauty under the sea has to offer.

Starting from July toSeptember, many divers coming to Bali to see Mola Mola fish. Usually thisunique giant fish can be seen at various dive sites around Nusa Penida. ButMola Mola is not the only thing worth a look. Another interesting dive spot isManta Point where you can dive with manta rays. Crystal Bay, an area that hasclear water with coral gardens are wonderful, if you need more challenge, godiving in Gili Toya Pakeh or Tepekong; Shark Point near Padangbai if you wantto face the sharks in the wild, exploring the U.S. Liberty Wreck in Tulamben,maybe you can reveal a new mystery or see great barracuda fish in this place,look at other underwater creatures you have to try diving in Seraya or faction;dive deep into the walls around Menjangan Island is superb, find a sea turtlein the middle middle-Amed coral reefs, and more diving spot in Bali has tooffer to you.

Indonesia Travel

LeadingMarine Tourism Indonesia - Indonesia's Place Marine Tourism - TouristAttractions. From all over the Indonesian region, the Ministry of Culture andTourism (Kemenbudpar) has mapped twelve points and the islands as a leadingmarine tourism in Indonesia. The 12 place is entered into the master plan(Blueprint) as in reports by the Kemenbudpar

PadaidoIslands, Biak, Papua
Marinetourism area is ideal for diving, sightseeing cruise. development Program ofmarine tourism on the islands include diversification Padaido fishermenactivity with fishing tourism development using traditional fishing boats, divepackages in the submerged ship Selma as an alternative activity, as well as thedevelopment of regional cruise by boat and sea plane Phinisi to reach theislands minor.

Wakatobiisland , Southeast Sulawesi
Marinetourism area is ideal for diving and regional cruise. Development Program ofmarine tourism in this region, among others, international and regional cruiseactivities with the development of the port as a hub makasar, and conservationof sea diver certificate with the application and enforcement.

DerawanIsland , East Kalimantan
Thearea is ideal for marine tourism and conservation activities seolam turtle. DevelopmentProgram of marine tourism in the islands other than turtle habitat conservationas a tourist attraction, also for the conservation of cultural development andSangalaki Kakaban located in this area with the pattern of partnership MNC(Multi National Companies) by utilizing local labor.

SelayarIsland, Takabonerate, West Sulawesi
Marinetourism area is very suitable for diving, snorkeling, sailing, and fishing. DevelopmentProgramof marine tourism in these islands is a cruise tourism hub ofinternational, regional, and traditional cruise ships such as Phinisiarchipelago

NiasIsland and Mentawai Island, North Sumatra
Marine tourism area is idealfor surfing with community-based ecotourism development as well as surfing. DevelopmentProgram in this area more focus on the diversification of tourist attractionfeaturing the area's culture.

RajaAmpat Island, West Papua
Areaof ​​marine tourism in these islands idealfor diving. Development of marine tourism region with a pattern of partnershipMNC (Multi National Companies) involving marine tourism industry,local government and local communities

UjungKulon island and Anak krakatau, Banten
Thearea is ideal for marine tourism and diving activities with the theme ofregional cuise developed as conservation-based ecotourism. development programin this area include a clear spatial planning between conservation anddevelopment area in accordance with the environmental carrying capacity.Providing transport facilities to the tourist attraction with activitiesPhinisi ship and sea plane to accommodate the domestic tourists from Jakarta.

KomodoInsland, Souteast
Marinetourism area is ideal for diving and cruise tourism. Development Program ofthis area is cuirse regional tourist facilities and yacht marina. To reach thesmall islands around it is necessary to provide the ship and sea Phinisipalane.

Tominibay, Togean Islands, Central Sulawesi
The islands are ideal fordiving and snorkeling. Development Program in this area include the provisionof marina facilities, yacht, boat and sea plane Phinisi with kemintraancommunity with tourism businesses.

Islandsof Bali and Lombok
Marinetourism on the island is ideal for diving, surfing, cruise regional, andinternational. Baharai tourism development program in this area buildspartnerships among local assessments, local communities, and marine tourismindustry. Providing port facilities, accommodation, and cultural performances.

Barelang,Riau Islands
Thisarea is ideal for cruise activities, yachts and marinas as well as surfing. DevelopmentProgram of marine tourism in this kasaean between ports of nautical tourismthat supports an abundance of tourists from Singapore to the Riau archipelagotourist destination. Development of regional cruise tourism is ideal because itwas a strategic island in the strait of Malacca and Singapore's close.

ThousandIslands, Jakarta
Marinetourism which is ideal for the Thousand Islands are surfing, regional cruise,fishing and nautical sports. For that development Program in this area includespatial planning is very apparent between conservation and development of thearean with the national park. And the development of water facilities is amarina, yacht, boat and sea plane Phinisi for water sports activities

TrulyAmazing is not it? Indonesia's natural beauty beloved. Once upon a time try tovisit one of the above places. And enjoy the beauty of domestic tourism inIndonesia ini.Terima love.