Saturday, October 16, 2010

Traking in Java Islan And Bali Island

Traking in Java Island and Bali Island

Here Is Bali Island Trekking

Trekking Into The Junggle, Bali Trekking adventure

Trek into the tropical mountain rain forest, near the lake village of Bedugul ,where flora & fauna thrive.We will witness the experiencecrossing of calm lake waters in a traditional dug out canoe. This 3 hours trek into heart of Balinese Nature offers spectacular undisturbed natural beauty and photographic opportunities.

Trekking at The Sacred Garden of Sambangan, Bali Trekking

An exiting step into the north of Bali , the hidden world of Magnificent scenery and Culture along the trek,we coast stroll farming village, walking through the beautiful rice paddies, coffee and clove plantation. See the spectacular view of waterfall like Campuhan, Dedari, and the biggest one is Cemara. Afterwards we visit Hot Spring at Banjar and have a lunch in Lovina.

The Amzing Mountain Batur Agung Trekking, Bali Trekking 

Our MT.Agung Trekking Trip will give you a once of lifetime chance to experience a holy trekking trip,on holiest mountain in Bali. Start from Pasar Agung Temple(Hindu's Temple of the merchants),and see the awesome beauty of Besakih Temple (Hindu's mother temple).Catch the magnificent sight of the red sky when it appears during the sunlight and a beautiful sunrise from the top of the mountain and watch Denpasar City,Sanur,Nusa Dua while in hale the fresh mountain air and feel the cold breeze.
Here Is Java Island Trekking
  1.  East Java
Bromo Mountain Trekking
1.  Bromo Mountain Trekking

Have you ever thought of standing between Heaven and Hell.? Mount Bromo gives you this impression. The first surrounding excursions by local transport Jeep to see the amazing sunrise of Penanjakan and then continuing by pony riding to hike the Mt. Bromo . The extraordinary moonlike atmosphere and the opportunity to stare into the crater are the reason for visiting. Besides, it provides a spectacular setting from which to observe the sun rise over the island of Bali .

Ijen Mountain Trekking
  2.  Ijen Mountain Trekking
1 Days 1 Night
One of jewel in the east Java, Ijen Crater have attracted travelers from all over the world, we carries you through coffee and clove plantation around the village of Licin into one of Java's last forest, rich wildlife at the park ranger's station to begin hike the Ijen Crater, along a shady trail with spectacular views. Rest along in the rim of the volcanic crater lake at an elevation of 2883 meters. The lake's eerie colors and smoke wafting from bright yellow sulfur deposits along the shore crater a landscape both desolately barren and vibrantly alive. Watch miners descend into the crater and re-emerge carrying up to 80 kilos or more on bamboo baskets along the treacherous path.
2 Days 1 Night
Starting our leisure to the quaint town of Banyuwangi and then by becak (pedi cab) ride visiting Museum and Buddhist Monastery. Early wake up call and breakfast, we hike along a shaded path to Ijen Crater. Along the smoky lake shore, you will see miners load bright yellow sulfur ore into bamboo baskets and carry loads of 80 kilos or more out of the bottom of crater. The mix of colors , shadow and sun create legend, it is an unforgettable experience.
      2. Central Java

Slamet Mountain Trekking

 Hot water bath jar, located in District Bumijawa, on the slopes of Mount Slamet, about 30 km from the city Slawi.In the jar there are 10 waterfalls. Among them is a shower bath 13, which does have a shower totaling 13 units. In the Shower 7, locals often bathe and shower, because it is believed to cure skin diseases Rise to the top again there Jedor waterfall (taken from the name of headman in ancient times). In Jar also rented horses to enjoy the scenery around with reasonable prices.
1. Slamet Mountain Trekking

Rise to the top again there Jedor waterfall (taken from the name of headman in ancient times). In Jar also rented horses to enjoy the scenery around with reasonable prices. besides there are hot spring where there is also a view that is no less interesting ... and we can breathe fresh air ... so we can relax for a moment to forget setres due to busy work. please try and remember to let us preserve.

Dieng Montain Traking.

2. Dieng Montain Traking.

It is the site for eight small Hindu temples from the 7th and 8th centuries, the oldest Hindu  temples in Central Java, and the first known standing stone structures in Java. They are originally thought to have numbered 400 but only 8 remain. The Dieng structures were small and relatively plain, but stone architecture developed substantially in only a matter of decades resulting in masterpieces such as the Prambanan complex and Borobudur. The earliest architectural usage of the Javanese demonic masks and marine monsters are exhibited along the niches and doorways of the remaining structures[1]. The name "Dieng" comes from Di Hyang which means "Abode of the Gods".[2]  Its misty location almost 2000 m above sea level, and its mists, poisonous effusions and sulphur-coloured lakes make it a particularly auspicious place for religious tribute. The temples are small shrines built as monuments to the god-ancestors and dedicated to Shiva[3], rather than acting as a convenience to man.

Muria Montain Traking.
3. Muria Montain Traking.
The area is notable for a number of reasons. It is the site of the grave of one of the Wali Sanga of Java - Sunan Muria - one of the Islamic Saints associated with the origins of Islam in Java. As a consequence the grave is part of the network of sites in Java considered to be sacred.
It is also the area of the missionary origins of the Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia Mennonite Christian group.
Mount Muria or Gunung Muria is a dormant volcano located in the center of the Muria peninsula, which juts northward into the Java Sea on the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia east of Semarang. the capital of the province. Mount Muria is 1602 meters high but once was maybe twice that height. The Muria area is notable for a number of reasons. It is the grave site of two of the Wali Sanga of Java - Sunan Muria, also known as Raden Umar Said, whose grave is in Colo on the southern slopes of Mount Muria, and Sunan Kudus, known also as Ja'far Shadiq, whose grave is in the city of Kudus. The Wali Sanga are the nine Islamic Saints associated with the spread of Islam in Java. These graves are part of the network of Islamic sites in Java considered to be sacred. The name Kudus means "holy." Kudus is the only city in Indonesia with an Arabic name. The area is also the locale of the missionary origins of the Muria Javanese Church, Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa, in whose history the legendary Javanese Christian mystic Kiai Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung played an important role, and of the Muria Church Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia, both of which are associated with the worldwide community of Mennonite Christians. Major products of this area of Java are rice, sugar, coffee, fish, rubber, coconuts and clove cigarets.

Merapi and Merbabu Mountain Traking

Selo represents a district where is located area of Mount Merapi and Merbabu.
This region became a fertile agricultural land for vegetables and has developed into a tourist village in the Village and Village Lencoh Samiran.When we came to visit to enjoy the bastard burn - Tempe bacem srundeng elegant looking nature will be one of its own pleasure coupled with friendly greetings of the population.
Mount Merapi and Merbabu an ascent of objects familiar to the ear. hobby enthusiasts this one.
The climbers are now able to enjoy the inn with hot water facilities and sports courts at the beautiful natural
Challenging climbing route makes it more attractive. Climbing through Selo takes an average of 5 hours to the top.

Merapi is the name of a volcano in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region is still very active today. Since the year 1548, this mountain has shown its activity to backfire as much as 68 times. Located quite close to Yogyakarta and there are still villages on its slopes to a height of 1700 m. For people in the venue, Merapi brings material blessing of sand, whereas for the Government of Boyolali District, Mount Merapi is an object and attraction for the tourists, which one of them packed into a Traditional Ceremony Alms Mount Merapi.

    3. West Java

Ceremai Mountain Traking

 Mount Ceremai included in Ceremai Mountain National Park (TNGC). The mountain is located far apart from other high mountain. Having a height of 3078 meters above sea level, is the highest mountain in West Java. Mount Ceremai there who call cerme (often mistakenly called "Ciremai") is administratively included in the three districts, namely Kabupaten Cirebon, Kuningan and Majalengka Regency, West Java Province. This mountain has a double crater. Western crater radius is truncated by a crater 400 m east of radius 600 m. At an altitude of about 2900 m asl on the southern slope there are ex-point eruption Gowa called Swallow.  The forests are still natural in the Mountain and have fauna like Bangkong horned (Megophrys montana), Percil Java (Microhyla Achatina), Gold-tree frog (Philautus aurifasciatus), Forest Chameleon (Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus), lizard Stone (Cyrtodactylus sp.), Black Eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis), Elang Brontok (Spizaetus cirrhatus ), Java Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi), Quail-barking Java (Arborophila javanica), anteater (Manis javanica), Squirrel kekes (Tupaia javanica), Cat Forest (Prionailurus bengalensis), Leopard (Panthera pardus), hare (Tragulus javanicus) , Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), Java Porcupines (Hystrix javanica).To reach the peak Ciremei there are 3 lines that can be taken that path Majalengka, and Palutungan path, the path Linggarjati.


Galunggung Mountain Traking


Kampung Naga
 Mount Galunggung first erupted on October 18, 1822 with accompanying vibration, in the region of Mount Galunggung have beautiful green trees, lake, river with large rocks scattered about where and occupied by a fish hook while bercamping to tourists. we also can visit Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya Traditional Village which is still maintaining the customs of his fathers. Distance from City Center + 30 km, is located in Neglasari Salawu District, or + 95 km from the capital city of Province through Garut regency. Ceremony

 Gede Mountain Traking

Biru Lake: a small lake, covering about five hectares, situated at 1,575 m asl. It is located 1.5 km from the Cibodas entrance gate. Its blue colour (and name) comes from a covering of blue algae.
Cibeureum Waterfall: 50 metres high, this waterfall is located 2.8 km from Cibodas and attracts a lot of visitors. Around the waterfall, it is possible to see a kind of red moss which is endemic to West Java.
Thermal springs: about 5.3 km, or a two-hour walk from Cibodas.
Kandang Batu and Kandang Badak: camping, and plant and animal observation. At an altitude of 2,220 m asl., this site is 7.8 km, or a three-to-five hour trip from Cibodas.
Summit and crater of Mt. Gede: a magnificent place to watch the sunrise or sunset; the towns of Cianjur, Sukabumi, and Bogor can be clearly seen, as well as unusual plants around the crater. It is also interesting from a geological point of view. At this peak, three active craters - Lanang, Ratu and Wadon - are united in a single complex, at an altitude of 2,958 m asl. The craters are 9.7 km, or a five-hour hike, from Cibodas.
Alun-alun Suryakencana (Suryakencana Meadow): a 50-hectare plain covered with edelweiss flowers. The meadow is situated at an altitude of 2,750 m asl., and is 11.8 km, or a six-hour hike, from Cibodas.
Mt. Putri and Selabintana: camping grounds which can accommodate 100 to 150 people.

Salak Mountain Traking
 West Java has been know as one of many provinces in Indonesia that own many interesting tourism objects. One of the most famous places over there is Puncak. This Place is claimed as one of seven most liked tourism places in west Java. There are significant of visitors increase from day to day.
Beside Puncak are we also can try to visit the other place that really nature and also entertain you over beauty that are provided by some object there. It is Gunung Salak Endah(GSE) which als located in West Java. In tis are there are some objects, they are Curug Seribu, Curug Ngumpet, Crug Cigamea.
All of the objects mentioned above is kind of water fall. Curug is West Java word which means waterfall.
Curug Seribu is an object that provide the beauty of nature and it has 100 m in high and this is the most interesting and most beautiful waterfall in GSE.
Curug Ngumpet This water fall is shorter than Curug Seribu with 45 m in high. By passing 38 k from Bogor you will see the nature which also own beauty. The same atmosphere also will be found in the other water fall. It is in Cigamea waterfall.
Beside these waterfall we also can find the other objects, they are Kawah Ratu And Handy craft. At Kawah Ratu you will find geology that interesting. most visitor like this object as they can see boil H2S gas that appear to the face.
Then to find Handy Craft, you can visit Cikoneng Village where the people produce Handy Craft from Bamboo. Meanwhile on Pamijahan village we can find racing steer.
To reach GSE we can pass the fastest route. It is Cemplang-Pamijahan-GSE. The other route that you can try is Cikampek-GSE-Cibatok-GSE and Tamansari-Gunung Bunder-GSE).

Papandaya Mountain Traking

When traveling almost at the top of the mountain Papandayan, travel conditions will be felt more soothing seikit because trees. In contrast to previous conditions, the air was hot because there is seldom travel around trees towering that can withstand hot sun and the only form of cliffs and large rocks.Arriving at the top of the mountain Papandayan or better known as Pondok Saladah, there is pride for the climbers who succeeded in achieving it. Nature was looking very beautiful views from the summit of the mountain, as if we were above the clouds that lay like a giant white rug.

Takuban Prahu Mountain Traking 

Bandung District Region has many resorts which offer beautiful scenery and interesting legends. One is the District Ciwidey located in the south of Bandung regency. In this area there is an interesting tourist attraction is Crater White.
White crater is a crater lake of Mount Patuha with a height of 2434 meters above sea level with temperatures between 8-22 ° C. On top of that there is Patuha Crater Currently, when the mean low tide in Bahasa Sunda, which is in the west and beneath White crater with a height of 2194 meters above sea level. Both craters were formed by the eruption that occurred at about X and XII centuries ago. White crater is located about 46 km from the city of Bandung or 35 km from the capital, Bandung regency, Soreang, toward Ciwidey.

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