Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mendut, Indonesia

Mendut is a Buddhist temple which does not only have a striking exterior. Mendut also contains some of the finest Buddhist statues in whole Indonesia. For more info on Mendut, Indonesia, visit: "..Mendut is one of several temples in the area which all date back to around 8th and 9th century. Mendut is often mentioned together with two other nearby Buddhist temples; Pawon and Borobudur. Out of these three temples, Mendut is the oldest one. More precisely, inscriptions have shown that Candi Mendut was built by King Indra in 824 during the Sailendra dynasty -- one of two mighty kingdoms in ancient Java. It was the same dynasty who built the famous Borobudur and many other Buddhist temples in the region." For more great video and audio guides from the world's most interesting places, check out has three purposes. The first is to be a source of inspiration for your next trip or simply to dream yourself away. Once you have chosen where to go, serves as an aid in planning your journey and deciding what to see. Last but not least, our Audioguides are meant to accompany you on your trip to provide valuable information once you are on-site at your destination. Everything provided to you without any cost - Enjoy!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Sewu Temple is the second largest Buddhist temple in Central Java after Borobudur and one of the best pieces of ancient Javanese architecture in the world. For more info on Sewu, Indonesia, visit: "..Unknown to many is that the history of Sewu Temple is closely associated with the locally famous legend of "Loro Jonggrang". The legend tells the story about two ancient and neighboring kingdoms in Java, Pengging and Boko. The two kingdoms raged war against each other and after a series of devastating battles, Pengging came out victorious. In the last battle, the Pengging Prince, filled with supernatural powers, defeated the enemy king. After his victory, the Prince requested a marriage between himself and the dead king's daughter, whose beauty was unmatched." For more great video and audio guides from the world's most interesting places, check out has three purposes. The first is to be a source of inspiration for your next trip or simply to dream yourself away. Once you have chosen where to go, serves as an aid in planning your journey and deciding what to see. Last but not least, our Audioguides are meant to accompany you on your trip to provide valuable information once you are on-site at your destination. Everything provided to you without any cost - Enjoy!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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