Thursday, February 3, 2011

carbide cannon (Meriam Karbit) Tradition

As in previous years, ahead of Idul Fitri some residents Pontianak often thronged the banks of the Kapuas River. The purpose of their arrival is none other than to watch people play carbide cannon. What kind of game that carbide cannon?
Viewed from the aspect of history, carbide cannon game has close affinity with the history of the founding of the city of Pontianak. At that time, Sultan Sayyid Abdurrahman Alkadri Sharif, founder of the City of Pontianak, who was also the first sultan sultanate of Pontianak, firing cannon toward the mainland. The goal is to expel the ghost which was roaming on land.
To commemorate the historic event, the City of Pontianak residents, especially those living on the banks of the Kapuas River makes cannon-fired shaft meriaman large logs. Cannon from wood then given a carbide (CaC2) and give with the flames on one of its corners. This unique traditions can be met from week to two month of Ramadan.
Carbide cannon is not like the cannon of iron. This cannon made of wood with a diameter of approximately 50 cm - 100 cm, with a length of between 4-7 meters. In one part, precisely in the middle of the cannon, was given hole. The way to play the game is very easy. Before use, cannon first filled with water with a certain amount. Then, carbide inserted therein.
Carbide which reacts with water to produce gas which, if ignited by fire will cause an explosion. For a one-time games take at least 3-5 ounces of carbide. Blast sound in hasilkannya able to shake buildings in the vicinity. In some cases, never happen at home broke. This condition occurs if the distance between the gun too close to home.
Theoretically, the explosion which caused the cannon carbide in because of gas concentration in a narrow place. The gas generated by carbide has a flammable nature. Accumulation of gas in large quantities can be obtained in a relatively short time by mixing water with carbide. "Carbide having a chemical formula CaC2. CO2 contained in the carbide can be separated if the carbide exposed to water. If the CO2 gas gathered and accumulated in a narrow space (the cannon), the gas will easily burn if exposed to fire, "said Dean of Faculty of Science, DR. Thamrin Usman, DEA.
Explosion effect will be more terrible if the amount of carbide and water using a ratio of 2:1. By simple calculation, to produce a large CO2, 0.8 ounces of carbide should be mixed with 35cc of water. In addition to using carbide, the explosion also can be caused by gas pemanpatan LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). How it works is simple, namely LPG gas in compressed within a narrow space. After a solid, gas and LPG in North Sulawesi with fire. The result, a large explosion will occur.
Like what past carbide cannon? Being cannon carbide from year to year according to Anwar, the people of Kampung Bansir, continues to evolve. In the past, made carbide cannon from stem material of coconut or nut trees. Along with the enactment of the golden age of the wood industry, the stem of coconut and areca nut trees were replaced with logs. The sound was generated at the eardrum-splitting guarantee.
To obtain a quality timber, said Anwar, the timber should be submerged in the mud at the bottom of the Kapuas River. The goal is to kill insects that eat wood. After so many years in penamkan in the mud, timber and then raise up onto the stage in Nibung. "The process boosts the wood is somewhat difficult. To lighten the work, usually of wood in raising when it was high tide, "he explained.
If the chain has been in such a way, the sound boom of cannon carbide wood is very hard. His voice thundering through with 4-5 kilometers from the stage. Quite often raises his voice echoes repeated.
For people who like to be a challenge, they can meraakan great sensation when lit cannon karnit. Bang a roaring voice and a stage capable of snapping wood shake Nibung built on the banks of the Kapuas River. This action clearly stimulate the heart.
Enchantment of the game is clear the people of cannon carbide has interesting cultural enchantment value. According to H Martias, Chairman of MPI (Indonesian Tourism Society), West Kalimantan, many domestic and foreign tourists are fascinated with carbide cannon game in the city of Pontianak. For tourists, a game like that obviously is something that is rare. Most likely, there is only carbide cannon attraction in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

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