Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Client segmentation for tour guides – cruise passengers

What are cruise passengers looking for when they choose shore excursions? A comfortable but compact sightseeing tour schedule.

Cruise ships usually stop half a day to 1 day in each port. In some ports it will be 2 days. But in general the time on land is short and limited. So many cruise passengers expect to see as much as possible when choosing their shore excursions. A compact tour itinerary including must-sees is expected.

On the other hand, comfort is important. Cruise passengers are categorized as high-end travelers. They prefer comfortable experiences as like on the cruise ship. Budget is less of concern. When tour guides put together a sightseeing tour for cruise passengers, pay attention to the transportation methods, dining places, etc.

Many senior travelers choose to travel by cruise. This travel style ensures a relaxed slow-pace vacation. Thus the tour guide sightseeing tours shall be senior-friendly. If the tour is physically challenging, you may lose a big amount of potential clients.

Consider the distance from port. Some ports locate well in the city centre, where a tour guide can start guiding directly. Many others are by the sea and may take long to reach the first stop. Tour guides are not supposed to rest along the way. Use such time to introduce your city or country background, local cultures, food habits, etc. You can also take the opportunity to know a bit more about your clients and their interest. The info will help you achieving a successful tour afterwards. It is also recommended to notify interesting things spotted on the way.

Manage the time well. If a tour guide can maximize the client’s shore excursion experience, you will be rewarded and referred on by your clients. Also keep in mind the time back to the ship. Passengers cannot miss the ship. It is the same as catching a flight in the airport. So leave enough time to return to the cruise ship.

Have a look at the shore excursion packages provided by the cruise ship. See what they offer and do yours better. It is good to do competitor researches and learn from the cruise ship offer. A tour guide can thus design a sightseeing tour – more interesting and customized.

What is your tour guiding experience with cruise passengers? Welcome to share your tips.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Australian Tourism On The Steady Rise

One of the areas that is closely being monitored by Australian migration officials nowadays is the tourism sector. Indeed, with Australia being a popular travel destination for a lot of people around the world, the tourism industry is likely to expand even more. And many people are closely observing the industry as it grows.

It should be noted that the tourism industry is still pretty much on the recovery stage after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. Because of the slowing down of the world's economies , travel for leisure also dropped significantly. And being one of the centers of tourist travels, Australia did significantly experienced the effects of reduced tourist arrivals.

However, with the world's economy now starting to recover, tourism travel is also beginning to go up back to it's previous levels. It is interesting to note that Australia was in fact, one of the first countries to start getting up from the crisis. And with that, it was also able to to quickly resume operation for its tourism activities.

Indeed, the country has actually posted some impressive tourism figures in the last few months. According to statistics released by the government, the number of tourist arrivals have increased by at least five percent in the last three months. And officials are confident that these will go up in the future.

With that, Tourism Australia, the country's foremost tourism promotion industry have embarked on several programs aimed to further encouraging foreign travelers to visit the country. One of this is the $30 million investment made by the agency last June to promote Australian tourism in China. Tourism Australia is hoping to capture the interest of more than 46 million Chinese travelers each year, which is worth more $2 billion in the market.

On the other hand, Tourism Australia is also hoping to attract more visitors from Southeast Asia. As a start of their campaign, they have launched an Indonesian language version of the agency's official website. Tourism Australia officials are hopeful that, through this, they will be able to encourage Indonesian tourists to learn more about Australia and eventually head there. It is interesting to note that Indonesian tourist arrivals have grown significantly since last year, posting a 24 percent increase last March.

With this impressive figures and efforts, Australian tourism officials are enthusiastic that they will be able to further expand the industry. However, they said that they are still not you going to slow down in their work and even strive more to attract more travelers.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tony Abbott announced a cut to Australia's Immigration

The Coalition announced a plan to slash Australia's immigration programs in order to decrease the country's population.

Australia is said to be one the countries with the highest population growth rate. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics population clock, the country's population has increased by nearly a quarter of a million people to 22,397,892.

In view of this fact, Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott announced that the Coalition Government will cut the migration intake of the country for the next three years.

"The Coalition's population and immigration policy acknowledges the importance of immigration but reaffirms we will determine who comes to our country and the circumstances under which they come," Mr. Abbott told The Sunday Mail.

The said cut will mainly focus on family and Australia student visa programs, while Australian skilled migration would largely be quarantined. According to the opposition leader, the Coalition would keep skilled migration numbers up, but would put down the "dubious educational and family-reunion applicants". Although the Coalition doesn't put a figure on it, the policy would put Australia on track for a population in 2050 of well below 36 million.

Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison uttered that rapid population growth must not rob future generations of the "quality of life and opportunities we enjoy". "We believe Australians are looking for payment up front on infrastructure and services before they will support a higher rate of population growth," he said.

The Coalition policy announcement will also commit the Government to population growth rates being set by the Productivity and Sustainability Commission, based on delivery of improved infrastructure and services. Also, two-thirds of the permanent migration program (which totals about 180,000 a year) will be reserved for skilled migration. While sponsored skilled-work visas and temporary skilled-work visas (457 visas) would be quarantined at existing levels, the humanitarian intake would also remain the same.


Friday, August 20, 2010

How to handle client booking long before the tour date?

Some travelers make last-minute tour bookings, while others plan their trip way in advance. Many airlines offer great discount for flight booking in advance. Cruise plans are settled for sometimes a year ahead of departure date. Hotels market special promotions for low season. Once the dates are settled, many travelers tend to book their destination tour guide and sightseeing tours together at the same time.

Q. How shall a tour guide manage client bookings much earlier than the actual tour dates e.g. half a year in advance?

Communicate with the clients about tour arrangements immediately. No matter if the tour happens in the same week or six months later the itinerary shall not change largely. Do communicate with your clients about tour details when you confirm your availability.

As a private tour guide that offers personal sightseeing tour, it is good to keep the options open. Your clients may find new places of interest or have some new requests before arrival. Be consistent and accommodating if the client requests are reasonable.

Notify the clients when any tour changes need to happen. It is unprofessional to cancel the tour because of another big group booking. However, there may be changes required due to personal reasons, weather conditions etc. In such cases explain to your clients in full and they will understand. Also provide alternative choices if possible. Try to minimize changes to your client’s travel plan.

Mark down the tour date on your calendar in OurExplorer or personal notebook. It is recommended to set a reminder one week before the tour date. Contact your client to welcome them for the coming visit. Meanwhile, confirm that all tour arrangements are going on as planned. Re-check if all tour arrangements have been confirmed, e.g. car/van rent, tickets booking, etc.

After above professional communications, travelers will enjoy a great vacation while you will have a successful sightseeing tour as a tour guide.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tourist Must Haves

Getting an Australian travel visa is definitely one of the best ways you can spend your vacation. The country has a lot sights to see for different kinds of seasons. You will definitely enjoy your stay in the country down under.

But you know what? You will get to enjoy the continent even more if you come in well prepared. And so here are some of the things that you definitely would want to pack into your backs for your trip there.

Road Map

A definite must have for those who plan to do a lot of traveling around the continent. City road maps are very easy to find and can be bought from just about any bookstore. There are also maps made especially for tourists like you, which show the location of great tourist spots to visit. Make sure that you are getting the latest version of the map for the area you are going to.

On the other hand, if you are a bit of a techie, you can also invest in a small GPS unit. Coupled with the road map, this will give you a pretty accurate reading of your location in the country. Hand held units are actually very affordable, costing a little less than fifty dollars apiece.

Driver's License

If you don't want to go through all the hustle of the Australian public transport system, then you can always get a car and drive around. Just be sure that your license is accredited by the Australian transport department. However, in the instance that this is not the case, you can always opt to get an international license, though you will still have to go through a test.


And of course, no self respecting tourist would be traveling without a camera. These days, a lot of people would opt to bring digital cameras. For those who are more of the ordinary type of tourist, then the regular digital camera would be more than enough. However, if you are the type who is also somewhat of a photography nut, then you can go for those SLR type cameras used by professionals. These come with several attachments which will aid you in taking great photos.

And if you also want to get some videos, most digital cameras also have a video mode that lets you shoot right then and there. Also remember to carry loads of extra batteries and a tripod for taking great pictures while you're, say, at Uluru.

Image Sources:
Google Search

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Interview of Tour guide Jean Liu in Shanghai

1. What is the best thing you like being a tour guide?

Talk with people from different countries and various backgrounds.

2. What is your most memorable moment in guiding so far?

Accompanied two families with kids for a week in the city. After the vacation, they said Shanghai is probably their most favorite city around the world.

3. What is most challenging for you in this career? Have you coped with it?

To cope with different personal interests. As I am a private tour guide for my clients, different travelers will have their own needs. E.g. some people are more interested in local foods, while others prefer shopping. Some business travelers would like to visit places relevant to their work, e.g. teachers to the middle school. There are always new challenges on this and I’m happy to receive.

4. What is your favorite place/thing that you want to show your travel clients?

Pudong river front promenade where is close to the modern highrises while overlooking the bund with buildings from the early 20th century.

5. What if you were not a tour guide? What do you imagine yourself to be?

Some area that can maximize using my English language skills.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

OurExplorer Interviewed by Wandering Educators - Dr. Jessie Voigts

See full article at - http://www.wanderingeducators.com/best/traveling/learn-locals-our-explorer.html

Always looking to learn from locals? I've got a great resource for you! OurExplorer is an excellent resource for finding local tour guides, so you can learn about a place from the people who know it best. OurExplorer has a plethora of local tour guides (over 2,000) , all around the world (about 140 countries). They are rated and reviewed by users, so you know what you're getting is quality. OurExplorer is yet only two years old this year and has a great record of sharing the world with travelers. We were lucky enough to sit down and chat with Dave Cunningham, Chief Exploring Officer at OurExplorer. Here's what Dave had to say...

WE: Please tell us about our Explorer...
DC: OurExplorer is an online website promoting licensed dependable tour guides to global travellers - www.ourexplorer.com.
OurExplorer was established in June 2008 and has now over 2,000 licensed tour guides in 140 countries around the world.
We are in partnership with the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA). See more information at About OurExplorer.

WE: What is your travel background - how did you get interested in starting Our Explorer?
DC: After attending the 2007 EO Tokyo University and feeling inspired by the speakers, I took a “mini retirement.” I traveled for four months across Europe and South America seeking out new ideas and problems that I could solve using my keen business sense. I was on a mission to make a difference in the world, and it made me feel alive. I found my calling while traveling. I had hired private tour guides in Bolivia, Peru, Cuba and Mexico to show me around. I was amazed at their passion, energy and level of intimate knowledge. I was equally shocked that these highly skilled people often earned less than US$100 per month! I wanted to help and support these guides because I respected them for trying to improve their lives.

I had the option of donating to these communities, but I knew I could do so much more. I resolved to help thousands of private tour guides, especially in underdeveloped countries, earn more money. It was an unyielding promise to help the less fortunate who were already trying to help themselves.

I followed my instincts, and a dream was born.

I quickly put the plan together. I would create a Web site that provides global exposure and user-generated ratings for tour guides around the world. This would lead to more business, which in turn meant more money for those guides struggling to feed their families. Tour guides could get paid directly in cash when they meet with the traveler, which saves them from doling out commission to local travel agents. We called this Web site OurExplorer.com.

WE: Where are your guides located?
DC: We promote local tour guides, thus our tour guides are located in over 450 cities covering 140 countries. And we are still growing daily.

WE: What are their qualifications?
DC: Each country and/or region has their own qualification system for licensed tour guides. Our tour guides have passed their local exams and acquired a tour guide license/certificate. Some guides are even international tour leaders.

WE: How can travelers find the best fit with your guides?
DC: As we provide direct communication between travelers and local tour guides. Travelers can enjoy much more personal data about the tour guide to make an informed decision compared with traditional booking through travel agents. Once a travel destination is decided, travelers can search and find local guides on OurExplorer. We recommend;
- Read the tour guide’s self introduction and service provided to see if he/she fits your needs
- Read the rating/reviews section from previous clients
- Contact the tour guide directly via “Send Email” and see if they reply quickly addressing the travel needs.
- Book the tour guide on OurExplorer to reserve the date, as the top tour guides are always popular.

WE: What should travelers know about working with a tour guide?
DC: Tour guides can address to personal needs and make customized sightseeing tours for travelers. The more travelers inform the tour guides about their travel interests and needs, the better your tour will be with the local guide.

WE: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
DC: A dependable local tour guide adds a lot of value to travelers who seek an authentic and meaningful overseas experience. Explore through the eyes of a dependable local.

WE: Thanks so very much, Dave! I love Our Explorer, and highly recommend it to our Wandering Educators.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Experience a lot of wilderness

As rated for the past travelers rate who went to Australia and had their Australia travel visa for spending holidays around Australia is high and great percentage of visitors, contributing for the country. Many of the travelers and visitors that went in the country is extremely challenging their self to go out wild in many ways and many places.

One of this is getting wild experience on beaches. Which is definitely another reason of having a high percentage of visitors, travelers or also countryman's that really enjoys here. Having the great sceneries here is the one that attracts visitors to come in here. For the travelers that seeking for information's about the country's must see beaches, in this corner of the country you can check out beaches. Here are them:
South East Coast (Sydney) – Central East (Brisbrane/Gold Coast)
North East Coast (Cairns & Great Barrier Reef Islands)
South West (Perth)
North West (Exmouth, Ningaloo Reef, Broome, Kimberley)
The country really has it seemingly great beaches weather in not an exactly warm beach, an all year hot beach and fine temperature beach.
Another wild experience here is the theme park craze. Many of Australian have a lot of experience in theme park here in our country. They are mostly families and kids do love having a bonding in a theme park. For the travelers to have a great view of this, Here a list of great theme parks for them. Along Queensland, the Gold Coast have its great theme parks such as Sea World, Movie World and Wet'n'Wild Water World all owned by Warner Village Theme park which is joint owned by Warner Bros and Village Roadshow, and another popular theme park along Gold Coast is the Dreamworld, for it has a lot of rides and must see shows out there namely World of wildlife, Worlds at night, World of skills, World of thrill rides, World of family fun, World of shows, world of wiggles and World of nickelodeon. Its best to have an experience in one of the theme park here more often for the travelers who wants thrilling experiences.
And the most thrilling, and definitely the wildest experience is the Kangaroo island experience. One of the most admired island that the visitors or travelers enjoyed most to visit on, is the South Australian Island, namely “Kangaroo Island”.
Whats great in visiting Kangaroo island?
For the wild travel seeker, You can live in a wild for a day or not only for a day because, there are a lots of accommodation you can choose out there weather a lodge and retreats, hotel or motels, hostel and a lot more. Getting back to Kangaroo island, it is thought as the Australia's great scenic treasure because of the preservation of its wonder and the animals that lives there.
A lot of island animals that lives in Kangaroo island that really attracts the visitors. Kangaroo's, Tammar Wallabies, Seals, Heath Goannas, Echidnas, Little Penguin's Koalas and a lot more animals is one one of the main attraction in this island. There's a lot more to see in Kangaroo island because it is said to be the second largest island in South Australia system of islands after Tasmania. A lot and a lot more sites to discover the country Australia. Definitely the coolest place a traveler can go.

Reference sites:

Image References

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Client segmentation for tour guides – business travelers

As a tour guide, especially foreign-language tour guides, you are meeting travelers with various needs. Business travelers belong to a specific group. Their main purpose of the trip is on business e.g. a company visit, business cooperation, market investigation etc … Sightseeing can make up part of the trip but is secondary in importance.

So how can you design an ideal sightseeing tour for business travelers?

Be accommodating to their business needs. Business travelers usually have a short time in one destination. The free time for sightseeing is often their holiday time. Are they expecting an evening tour? Do they want some local exploration between business meetings? It is helpful to know their available time and pick-up/ending locations. Thus a tour guide can provide the itinerary most accommodating to the work plan.

Be flexible with the schedule. Business trips are not as flexible as a vacation visit. For a vacationer all the time belongs to them personally. For business travelers there may be a temporary meeting, an extra plant visit or a dinner with partners... The clients would appreciate you as the tour guide being flexible with the schedules. Of course the guide cannot always stand by. Flexibility works only when both parties are available. It reduces full cancellation in some cases.

Maximize the experience to personal interest. As the tour time is limited, you can not show business travelers everything in the destination. Sometimes, you may not even cover the most famous spots. Ask your clients about their personal interest. Let them choose the places they would like to visit, and help you make a customized sightseeing tour itinerary. This will maximize the trip experience. Some people are frequent travelers to one destination. They could have known part of the city very well, e.g. area nearby the local office. It is necessary to ask in advance, avoiding duplicate visit.

Get prepared with some industry-related queries. Business travelers may be interested to get some industry information from different people. This time, from you as a local guide. You are not expected to be an expert in the industry. However, if you know your clients’ area before meeting, it is recommended to read some relevant news or search for some industry background. This will contribute to your communication with clients during the trip.

What is your tour guiding experience with business travelers?