Wednesday, June 25, 2008

NIAS Island

With it's famous megalithic stone altars and furniture, spectacular traditional architecture, and complex religious rites, this fasctinating island offers a journey in to the past. Nias island lies approximately 125 km south west of Sibolga city. The land has rolling mountainous terrain, gorges, ravines, and rivers ans is subject to earth quakes. The northern half of the island is sparsely populated and featured large swampy areas.
The local people of Nias called the island as Tano Niha, or land of the people. Ethnically the Niah who called them selves as Ono Niha are mixed of proto-Malay who have had contacts with the Asian Mongolid world. Their exact origin is misty. Many features, practises and cultures are of their own. Untill now those practises and cultures still well maintained. This is the place that you may discover the live of the stone age era. Stone jumping is one of the popular activities which still well preserved.
During the past, this activity is showing the maturity of a man, and used to be meaning to win a war. The stone jumper used to jumped over the enemies trench to get in to the trench and opened the enemies gate for his companion. However now it used to attract visitors.
For the nature sport lover, Nias provides very very excellent spot for surfing. This is one of the world class surf site in our country. We highly recommend you to the the activity during the dry season (April to October) when the waves and the weather still freindly.

Nias is one of the major tourist destinations in North Sumatera, especially famous for its surfing and unique culture. Nias is definitely different than most other places and has very much to offer, not only for surfers. Nias was 'discovered' late and is in some aspects not yet discovered. Forget all strange reports based on travelers' myth and other inflated stories. Nias is definitely one of the more interesting destinations in Indonesia.

Surfing and Beaches
A deep trench in the ocean along the coast of Sumatera, Jawa, Bali and onwards is the secret behind all the excellent surfing locations in Indonesia. The pressures of the whole Indian Ocean force the sea up out of the trench and to create huge waves along the coast. Many of those waves are now famous, especially the one in Lagundi. Many other places have very good surfing, but are rather unknown due to its isolation and the secrecy of most surfers. Surfing is so much better if one doesn't have to share the waves with the big crowd. Nias has been specially endowed with good surfing. Besides Lagundi there is nice surfing in Afulu, Pulau Asu and Pulau Bawa. In the archipelago Pulau-pulau Batu there are yet more excellent surfing spots.
Nias also offers a big variety of beaches for the beach lover. Anything from quiet coral island beaches to huge wide beaches open to the sea. the beaches of Lahewa and Tanah Bala in PP Batu are definitely unique.
Teluk Lagundi is the bay in the Southwest corner of Nias, famous amongs surfers for its excellent surfing. Some years ago it was the main attraction in North Sumatera and in high season all the bungalows along the shores were full.
Tourism in Nias started because of surfing. Australian surfers discovered the famous Lagundi/Sorake wave in 1960s. Lagundi became World famous for its long and perfect wave. International competition have been held regulerly since 1993. For those who never have tried surfing there are surf instructors available.

How to get there

To reach this place, there is weekly ship from Jakarta (the capital city of Indonesia) to Gunung Sitoli; There are Ferries from Sibolga to Gunung Sitoli, Teluk Dalam, or Lahewa every day; Before the crisis hit Indonesia, there is daily flight from Medan to Gunung Sitoli, however it is less frequent nowadays. Gunung Sitoli is the capital city of Nias and it is the center of administration and business affairs of regency. There are several travel agencies hotels, public busses and rental cars to support tourism here. There are also some government and private banks available.

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