Monday, August 23, 2010

Tony Abbott announced a cut to Australia's Immigration

The Coalition announced a plan to slash Australia's immigration programs in order to decrease the country's population.

Australia is said to be one the countries with the highest population growth rate. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics population clock, the country's population has increased by nearly a quarter of a million people to 22,397,892.

In view of this fact, Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott announced that the Coalition Government will cut the migration intake of the country for the next three years.

"The Coalition's population and immigration policy acknowledges the importance of immigration but reaffirms we will determine who comes to our country and the circumstances under which they come," Mr. Abbott told The Sunday Mail.

The said cut will mainly focus on family and Australia student visa programs, while Australian skilled migration would largely be quarantined. According to the opposition leader, the Coalition would keep skilled migration numbers up, but would put down the "dubious educational and family-reunion applicants". Although the Coalition doesn't put a figure on it, the policy would put Australia on track for a population in 2050 of well below 36 million.

Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison uttered that rapid population growth must not rob future generations of the "quality of life and opportunities we enjoy". "We believe Australians are looking for payment up front on infrastructure and services before they will support a higher rate of population growth," he said.

The Coalition policy announcement will also commit the Government to population growth rates being set by the Productivity and Sustainability Commission, based on delivery of improved infrastructure and services. Also, two-thirds of the permanent migration program (which totals about 180,000 a year) will be reserved for skilled migration. While sponsored skilled-work visas and temporary skilled-work visas (457 visas) would be quarantined at existing levels, the humanitarian intake would also remain the same.


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