Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tour Guide payment methods

Tour Guides need to ensure a fast, easy and low cost metod of getting paid.
The best option for many local private tour guides in our explorer is payment via cash. Cash on delivery when the local guide meets the client is the best way and lowest cost way to get paid.

But in what currency is preferred?
Is paypal a safer method rather than the tour guide carrying cash?

let know your thoughts today......

Monday, January 21, 2008

Private Tour Guides and customer service levels

Today I am going to discuss the importance of flexibility during a tour for the customer.
Local private tour guides are indeed passionate about their city and region. Local guides wish to ensure the client gets the most insight and wisdom possible from the time they spend together. Ok, we understand that.

But what if the customer had a big night before meeting? What if jetlag is setting in? Is it time for the tour guides to ease off?

Many private tour guides with believe questions are the answer. Keep checking in with your client to see are they tired, thirsty or even bored. Remember, their happiness is what is key to your success as a tour guide.

Monday, January 14, 2008

How a tour guide can ensure they lose business

Today I would like to get some feedback and thoughts on the subject of local private tour guides responding quickly to tour requests from potential customers.

Q. What is the required timeframe of reply?
Q. What methods of reply are available to the guides?

One method of quick reply to customers is via E-mail on the internet. This works very well for Local tour guides with daily internet access at their finger tips.

It is true if a client "Frank" is going to visit Kenya, looks for a local tour guide and requests availability confirmation from the guide - he is only willing to wait 48hrs for a reply. Otherwise he shall go to another guide. So how can a local tour guide with infrequent access to the Internet reply back in time? has an option for local private tour guides without daily internet access to recieve a mobile phone text message alert when a customer has sent a booking request. That ensures a timely reply and a happy customer experience.

Would this work for you?

Monday, January 7, 2008

International Adventure Travel Ideas

by: Steve Gillman

International adventure travel: Safaris, balloon tours, swimming with dolphins, bicycling down volcanos, trekking in the Himalayas, Walmart on Christmas Eve - the list is almost endless. This will not be a comprehensive listing of all the adventure opportunities out there. Instead, here is just enough to whet your appetite.

My Own International Adventure Travel

Long before hitchhiking across the country at sixteen-years-old, I had a taste for adventure. At fourteen, a friend and I bicycled 300 miles in a few days during one summer. At seventeen, I went international with my adventuring, hitchhiking from Michigan to half-way across Mexico. Over forty now, I no longer put out my thumb - not very often, anyhow - but I still love to travel.

More recently, my international adventure travel took me to Ecuador. While there I climbed to the furthest point from the center of the Earth. Everest is highest above sea level, but due to the Earth's bulge at the equator, the peak of Mount Chimborazo, at 20,600 feet, is farther from from the center of our planet. The top is all snow, ice, and glaciers.

My guide didn't speak English, and thought I was a mountaineer. I had once used an ice axe and crampons to go forty feet up a sledding hill, in Michigan. The rest of the story is on the website, but you can get information and a guide by talking to almost any hotel manager in Riobamba, Ecuador.

Go On A Jungle Book Safari

In southern Nepal, In the Royal Chitwan National Park, you can see tigers, leopards, rhinos, and sloth-bears. And where better to see them from than the back of a large elephant? The tours are lead by naturalists and park rangers. Stay in the comfortable Safari Lodge and take daily tours into the jungle.

Take A Mongolian Horseback Trek

Travel with one of the great nomadic and horse-based cultures of the world. The trips take you beyond tourist routes, and you can customize your trek to fit your schedule and budget. These tours are run from an office in Mongolia, and they provides experienced guides that are multi-lingual.

Go Rock Climbing In Rio

Want an outdoor adventure and city nightlife? Try a rock climbing tour in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. You'll find routes for all skill levels in the Sugar Loaf, Urca, Corcovado and Pedra da Gavea mountains. Tours include bilingual instructors, equipment rentals, and transportation, and start at under $100 per person.

Swim With Dolphins In The Croatian Sea

Escape from the cold this winter, to the Cres-Lošinj group of islands, which is known for it's mild climate. Mali Lošinj on the island of Lošinj is known for its health resort, but recently, the area is becoming famous for the bottle-nosed dolphins that have made their homes in the clear and clean waters of the Cres-Lošinj group of islands. Mingle with them by boat or in your swimsuit.

Climb Mount Kinabalu

Mt. Kinabalu (4101m) is the king of the Borneo sub-continent. It rises 3000 feet higher than other mountains in the area; far above the jungle. It attracts international climbers of all skill levels, who scramble, climb and trek in its unique jungle-alpine enviroment. Kinabalu is in a world heritage site that boasts a wide variety of plants and animals. Experienced guides will take you trekking, or take you to the top.

About The Author

Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled the U.S. and Mexico alone at 17. Now 40, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. For more on international adventure, and to read their stories, tips and travel information, visit:

Historical Overview for Travelers to Armenia

by: Armine Hareyan

One of the world's oldest civilizations, Armenia once included Mount Ararat, which biblical tradition identifies as the mountain that Noah's ark rested on after the flood. It was the first country in the world to officially embrace Christianity as its religion (c. A.D. 300).

In the 6th century B.C., Armenians settled in the kingdom of Urartu (the Assyrian name for Ararat), which was in decline. Under Tigrane the Great (fl. 95–55 B.C.) the Armenian empire reached its height and became one of the most powerful in Asia, stretching from the Caspian to the Mediterranean Seas. Throughout most of its long history, however, Armenia has been invaded by a succession of empires. Under constant threat of domination by foreign forces, Armenians became both cosmopolitan as well as fierce protectors of their culture and tradition.

Over the centuries Armenia was conquered by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Mongols, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and Russians. From the 16th century through World War I major portions of Armenia were controlled by their most brutal invader, the Ottoman Turks, under whom the Armenians experienced discrimination, religious persecution, heavy taxation, and armed attacks. In response to Armenian nationalist stirrings, the Turks massacred thousands of Armenians in 1894 and 1896. The most horrific massacre took place in April 1915 during World War I, when the Turks ordered the deportation of the Armenian population to the deserts of Syria and Mesopotamia. According to the majority of historians, between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians were murdered or died of starvation. The Armenian massacre is considered the first genocide in the 20th century. Turkey denies that a genocide took place, and claims that a much smaller number died in a civil war.

After the Turkish defeat in World War I, the independent Republic of Armenia was established on May 28, 1918, but survived only until Nov. 29, 1920, when it was annexed by the Soviet Army. On March 12, 1922, the Soviets joined Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to form the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became part of the USSR. In 1936, after a reorganization, Armenia became a separate constituent republic of the USSR. Since 1988, Armenia has been involved in a territorial dispute with Azerbaijan over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, to which both lay claim. Also in 1988, a devastating earthquake killed thousands and wreaked economic havoc.

Armenia declared its independence from the collapsing Soviet Union on Sept. 23, 1991. In 1992–1994, Armenia successfully fought Azerbaijan for control of Nagorno-Karabakh. The majority of the enclave are Armenian Christians who want to secede from Azerbaijan and either become part of Armenia or gain full independence. Enormous casualties were involved.

An Armenian diaspora has existed throughout the nation's history, and Armenian emigration has been particularly heavy since independence from the Soviet Union. An estimated 60% of the total 8 million Armenians worldwide live outside the country, with 1 million each in the U.S. and Russia. Other significant Armenian communities are located in Georgia, France, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Argentina, and Canada.

About The Author

Armine Hareyan - the owner of the site
Travel Destination articles

How To Save Money When Traveling

by: Maria Estarellas

Do you know you can go on a 7-day cruise for half the price?

Or visit Europe for 15 days for only $2,000 per person including airfare, hotels, car rental and meals?

If you follow these steps, you can save more up to 50% in travel expenses.

1. Travel during low season.

Choosing to go on vacation during low season, will save you a great deal of money on airfare, hotels, cruises, car rental and more.

The best dates to travel are between:

February - May

September - the week before Thanksgiving

December 1 - 15

For example, a 7-day cruise in the Caribbean can cost around $1,000 during summer and winter but it can cost $495 in November.

A ticket to Europe can cost between $800-$1,200 during high season but you can buy it at $395 roundtrip during low season.

2. Hotels

The same applies to hotel rates.

When it comes to hotels, you should look for 3-star hotels that will offer most amenities you need at a lower price than 4 or more star hotels. You should keep in mind, that 3-star hotels are smaller, but you can find very good hotels for a great price.

Keep in mind that hotels that are very near local attractions will be more expensive than hotels located 2 or 3 blocks away.

3. Attractions and Places to Visit

Make a list of the places and attractions you want to visit and do some research. Find out about the schedules, locations, special events, etc. You'll find out that there are certain dates during the year that they will have discounts and even free admission.

4. Restaurants

Don't visit tourist-oriented restaurants.

Instead, ask locals to recommend family-owned or small restaurants. Not only will you pay less but the food, quality and service will be much better.

Two years ago, I visited Monaco, France and we went to a small restaurant on a side street and we only paid $100 (for 4 people) for appetizers, great pasta, drinks and dessert (including tip). Not a bad price considering that Monaco is very expensive.

5. Metro vs. Taxi

In most places, there is a metro or train system which will be a lot cheaper than traveling by taxi. All you need to do is get a map and trace the route you're going to visit and find out the train or metro numbers you need to get on to.

By planning your vacation in advance, choosing the best dates to travel (low season), doing research about places and attractions to visit, going to local restaurants versus tourist-oriented ones, and using the metro or train system instead of taxis, will save you a great deal of money and allow you to go on vacation at least twice a year.

Maria Estarellas is the webmaster for The Complete Website For The Whole Family

International Travel and Health Insurance

by: David M. Schmader
Embarking on Your Dream Vacation
Are your Plans Complete?

Your bags are packed, passport and papers in order and you couldn’t be in a higher state of excitement preparing for travel to that wonderful, exotic location. This is the vacation you have planned it seems forever. As you sit on the plane, you and your partner discuss for the hundredth time the scuba diving you will do, the awesome rock climbing and hikes into the rain forest. Everything is perfect!

Life seldom gets better than this.

Despite all the excitement of travel, Americans do have some concerns.

According to a survey by the Chubb Group, more than 70% of Americans surveyed said their greatest concern when traveling is suffering a medical emergency...more than double the fear of being mugged (30.7%), three times the fear of being injured in a terrorist attack (23.4%).

What happens if a medical emergency arises when traveling overseas?

Many people assume that while they are out of the U.S. or Canada they will be covered by their standard medical plan. However, most traditional health insurance plans are not designed for international travel.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, approximately 27 million travelers board U.S. airlines for overseas destinations and almost 26 million foreign travelers come to the U.S. each year. However, many are not prepared for a medical emergency abroad.

Most traditional health insurance plans would not cover an unexpected illness or injury during international travel. But travelers with international medical insurance would have protection for scenarios ranging from a local ambulance trip to an emergency evacuation for care at the nearest qualified medical facility. Some even offer repatriation flights out of the country where the traveler is located back to the US.

Available plans can cover individuals or groups for specific periods of time abroad and can be in effect should they be stationed abroad for an extended period of time. There are policies for corporations to insure their personnel, plans to cover missionaries who are on an outreach program and for those participating in extreme sports. International travel medical insurance should be considered for anyone traveling or living abroad.

©David M. Schmader, Solon, Ohio January,

About the Author

David Schmader is an independent broker agent located in the Cleveland Ohio suburb of Solon, Ohio. With over 25 years of corporate finance experience he specializes in serving the individual, professional and small business markets.

Health Information for Travelers to Central America

by: Jean Sutherland
This article will detail some of the health concerns that travelers to Central America and Argentina should be aware of, and prepared for in advance.


Depending on your age, sex, health history, and exactly where you plan on going, your doctor may decide that you, and any children that you are traveling with to Central America should have the following vaccinations:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Typhoid Fever
Yellow Fever

Make sure to contact your physician well before leaving your home country (say, a couple of months), because other immunizations (such as tetanus or diphtheria) may need to be updated as well.

Travelers' Diarrhea

Visitors to Central America complain more about travelers’ diarrhea than any other medical issue. Make sure that you have packed ample anti-diarrhea tablets (such as diphenoxylate) for everyone in your Central America traveling party. Since this ailment is caused by strains of bacteria contaminating food and water, you should avoid drinking tap water, unsealed beverages, and unpasturized milk, and do not eat raw vegetables, ice, or undercooked meat or poultry. If you do succumb to travelers diahrrea and are suffering for more than 2-3 days, visit a Central American doctor immediately.


Malaria is contracted by being bitten by an infected mosquito. If you plan on traveling to a Central American resort, these measures probably aren’t necessary. However, for all other travelers to Central America, you’ll want to have anti-malarial drugs on hand at all times, and try to reduce the amount of contact you have with mosquitoes, by wearing long sleeved shirts and pants, dark colored clothing, and staying out of high risk rural areas.

Prescription Drugs

If you are taking prescription drugs before your travels to Central America, make sure to pack enough for the entire trip, plus some extra just in case. Label all medications well, and wear a medical alert bracelet with a list of the medications inside (in both English and any other languages used in the area you are traveling to within Central America), just in case something does happen, and you are unable to tell someone.

Medical Insurance

Check before leaving your home country if your medical insurance will cover any expenses incurred while traveling to Central America. If not, purchasing some extra insurance is a wise decision.

Animal Bites
Even if you have recently had a tetanus shot, or have been immunized against rabies, if you are bitten by an animal while traveling to Central America, visit a doctor immediately.

Insect Repellant

If you are traveling within Central America where insects are a known problem, make sure to carry insect repellant with you at all times. Apply it to both your clothing and skin, and make sure everyone in your party has done the same.

Sun Block

The sun can be extremely brutal for travelers to Central America who aren’t used to the heat. Make sure to bring lots of sunscreen, and apply it regularly and well before venturing outside. Also, a hat is recommended to deflect some of the sun’s rays.

About the Author

Jean Sutherland is the owner of the informative website & She has worked in the travel industry for over 10 years and lived in Mexico for 3 years. Please also look at the Mexican Animal Shelter site she supports.

How To Keep Fit While Traveling Even On A Romantic Getaway

by: Norm Goldman

Today,Norm Goldman, editor of and is pleased to have as a guest, Jim Kaese, an elite amateur triathlete, entrepreneurial businessman, and endurance sport coach.

Author of The Athletic-Minded Traveler: Where to Work Out and Stay When Fitness Is a Priority, Jim visited America’s top 78 travel destinations to find the very best hotel/fitness-venue combinations.

Welcome Jim to and


Could you tell us something about yourself Jim and what provoked you into writing about the very best hotel and fitness venue combinations?


Through the years, I traveled quite a bit for work and pleasure. In addition to finding places to stay that matched my budget and amenity preferences, I always tried to identify hotels that offered good fitness options. However, time and time again, I would show up at the hotel and discover that the “state of the art” fitness center was a closet-sized room with old or broken equipment. Or, the “lap” pool was a short oval without lane lines. Or, the “running routes” consisted of a map provided by the concierge that directed guests to jog around the streets of the hotel 10 times. It boggled my mind how these hotels could make such blatant misrepresentations. So, I decided to write the first cross-country guide that objectively recommends the BEST places to stay for those who enjoy healthy living and staying fit.


Do you believe that if couples are looking for an ideal romantic getaway they should also take into account the fitness facilities, and if so, why?


I believe everyone should take into consideration the quality of the fitness facilities—including couples on a romantic getaway. Exercise not only helps boost your immunity system, lower stress, and improve your sleeping habits; it also helps your sex life. Studies have shown that healthy people have better sex and tend to be happier. And, I believe it’s important to emphasize that when I say “exercise,” I’m not talking about an hour of hard-core running or lifting weights at the gym—20 minutes of brisk walking can do the trick.


If you had to name 5 ideal romantic getaway hospitality properties that combine a unique romantic ambience with great fitness facilities, which ones would you choose and why?

· San Francisco is one of my favorite romantic cities---the bridge, the fog, the rain, the restaurants, and the cultural offerings create a perfect stage for a wonderfully romantic trip. Any of the SFO hotels in my book would be great fitness/romance combinations, but the Hotel Rex is the best deal for the money. A small, intimate hotel property just steps from Union Square and China Town, Rex also provides guests with a discounted pass to a fantastic (but small) health club down the street, Club One.

· If money is no object, The Miraval Spa and Resort in Tucson is a marvelous getaway for couples looking to stay fit and be pampered. All meals are included as well as any type of exercise option you can imagine---horseback riding, lap swimming, rock climbing, etc.
· For those looking to add a little more “party” to their trip, Miami’s South Beach hotels are filled with romance. The Shore Club, Delano, Ritz and National are all in the book, bestowing lots of love and liveliness to their guests.
· Colorado Springs’ Broadmoor Hotel is a breathtaking resort beset by serene lakes and mountain landscape. Broadmoor’s Fitness Center and Spa is well-equipped with modern machines and a regulation lap pool. And, the nearby trails create fantastic jogging and mountain biking opportunities.
· New York City can never be left off the romance list. Several properties make exceptional romantic destinations, but Le Parker Meridien, across the street from Central Park, tops my list. It’s NYC, so expect small yet cozy hotel rooms. The Scandinavian flavor, tremendous views, and extensive on-site health club make it one of the best.


Why should couples be concerned about fitness activities when they are away on a romantic getaway or on their honeymoon?


Exercising for only 20-30 minutes each day will allow you to start the day healthy and help you make better choices throughout the rest of the day. Then, enjoying small indulgences like your favorite piece of pie or a few cocktails or sitting around by the pool for six hours will not seem like a big deal. Don’t forget about that improved sex too!


How can we determine the quantity, quality, and brand of exercise equipment at recommended hotels if we never have been there?


Buy The Athletic-Minded Traveler (laughs). In addition to providing a comprehensive written review covering everything you want to know (room appearance, room service, free breakfast buffets, sheet thread-count, etc.) about each property, we also specifically detail in chart form the quantity of exercise machines, their condition, the brands, weight/strength options, pool dimensions, running routes, etc. But, if you’re going to a city that’s not covered in the book, the best you can do is call up the concierge and ask him/her your specific questions. Sometimes it even helps to confirm with the maintenance workers.


Very often when we vacation we seem to return home fully relaxed, however very much out of shape. How do we avoid this?


Make exercise part of your daily routine, just like showering or brushing your teeth. When you think about it, 20 minutes is not that much time at all. Especially while on a vacation, when you don’t have to worry about going to work and all of the other hassles at home.


There is always a temptation to overeat when we are on vacation. How can we fight off this temptation while at the same time still enjoy ourselves?


Like I was saying before, exercise will allow you to not fret so much over what you’re eating and drinking. You may end up taking in more calories, but being active and exercising should help to burn those off fairly easily.


Are there any food we should avoid when we are on vacation and if so, why?


Vacation is supposed to be a break from all that troubles and worries you, right? When I go away, I like to eat the local food and experience the local customs without concerns about how many calories are in my dinner, etc. Knowing that I performed my daily workout reassures me that anything I take in will be worked off either that same day or the next. So, no, don’t worry about avoiding certain foods---just make sure to get in a daily sweat.


Is there anything else you would like to add?


Only that I’ve been really touched by the large number of people who have written us saying that they are so happy we wrote this book because they too were constantly frustrated by the travel industry’s ignorance about fitness preferences. Letters and emails have come from hard-core athletes as well as recreational exercisers who just like to put in 20 minutes on a good elliptical machine or bike. Our goal all along was simply to provide a reliable resource that would help people enjoy a healthy lifestyle while on the road. So far, it seems that we’ve succeeded.

Visit to view a sample chapter and find more information about The Athletic-Minded™ Traveler, a first-of-its-kind travel resource for those who enjoy a healthy lifestyle and working out while on the road.

About the Author: Norm Goldman is editor of the travel site, and the book reviewing site, Norm and his artist wife, Lily, are a unique husband and wife team who meld words with art focusing on romantic and wedding destinations. They are always open to invitations to romantic destinations in the New England states and Florida. To find out more about them click on

Hilton Head Island Travel Guide

by: Jeff Palmer
Hilton Head Island Travel Guide By Jeff Palmer

Hilton Head Island was the first ecologically-planned destination in The United States. Light pollution ordinances are in effect across the island to protect the habits of the loggerhead turtles which sometimes confuse the lights of dwellings and street lights with that of the ocean. Protections are in place to protect the beautiful live oaks and palmetto trees which cover the island. Salt marshes, beaches and lagoons remain in pristine condition across the island. While modern conveniences such as shopping malls and five star hotels are widely available; care has been taken to blend these structures into the native ecology as much as possible.

The 2.5 million travelers who arrive annually to Hilton Head Island find an infinite variety of activities and reasons for visiting. Whether they are searching for a world class golf vacation, relaxing on the miles of sandy beaches or enjoying the gentle sway of palm trees in unspoiled nature, a stay on Hilton Head Island is sure to pleasethe most discerning of vacationers.

Hilton Head Island is home to the Heritage Classic golf championship and the Celebrity golf tournament. With an average yearly temperature of 70 degrees, visitors to the island are sure to enjoy year round golf on any of the 24 golf courses located on Hilton Head. There are also another 40 golf courses to be found in thesurrounding area, just a short distance from the island.

Tennis enthusiasts can enjoy the many professional courts available on Hilton Head. With over 300 courts to chose from there is no shortage of playing opportunities. Professional tennis instructors are also available to those wishing to improve their games.

With over twelve miles of sandy beaches overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, water lovers will find that Hilton Head Island is a coastal paradise. Whether you just want to relax in the sun or try your hand at scuba diving, waterskiing or dolphin watching there's is something for everyone on the island. Fishing charters, kayak tours, wind-surfing, island cruises and all manner of water activities are available.

If you really want to see the island consider renting a bicycle from one of the numerous bike rental outfits.With miles of bike paths available, many of which take you through nature preserves, this is truly an enjoyable way to experience the natural splendor of the island. At low tide, the beaches of Hilton Head make an excellent bike riding surface.

Over 250 restaurants of every price range and cuisine dot the island. Fresh seafood abounds. From five star formal restaurants to fast food and everything in between, every taste and budget is catered to here.

There are a variety of accommodations available in several price ranges. From hotels to villas, condos to timeshares, you are sure to find lodging which fits your taste and budget.

If you a considering a vacation which includes gorgeous weather, miles of beaches, world class golf, entertainment and dining then explore the many offerings available on Hilton Head Island. For a complete directory of information about the island including accommodations, golf and dining visit

About the Author

Jeff Palmer is a web designer and search engine optimization specialist living in South Carolina

Costa Rica Travel Packages


Located in southern Central America, Costa Rica is surrounded by three different bodies of water including the Panama Canal on the southeast, the Pacific Ocean on the southwest and west and the Caribbean Ocean on the east. Because of Costa Rica's close proximity to several bodies of water, the country is an ideal stopping point for various cruise ships carrying throngs of adventurous vacationers. Depending on the area of Costa Rica you are in, the climate can differ dramatically. There are cool wet mountain ranges, rain forests, dry tropical forests, cloud forests, the very dry Pacific coast and the damp Caribbean coast. Because of Costa Rica's diverse climate, the country is home to 850 species of birds, 205 species of mammals, 9,000 species of flowering plants, 1,200 species of orchids and 376 species of reptiles and amphibians. For a country that only measures 51,060 square kilometers, this is a wide variety of natural wildlife. Costa Rica strives to maintain the land's natural beauty and wildlife by designating one sixth of the country to national parks and wildlife refuges. Costa Rica is also home to several active volcanoes. Arenal erupts daily every fifteen minutes or so. The locals welcome foreigners with open arms making Costa Rica one of the most desirable vacation and retirement spots in the world. It is for these and other reasons that a Costa Rica vacation cruise should be booked today. The memories will last a lifetime.

An Abundance of Outdoor Recreation: Costa Rica is big on water related activities. Wave riders travel from all over the world to test out their expertise in Costa Rica's waters. Both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts offer up some notorious surfing. On the Atlantic Coast, Puerto Viejo's Salsa Brava gets some great breaks during the winter months although this area is often crowded. On the Pacific side, Playa Hermosa is the most consistent place to catch some waves. If these areas are flat, no need to worry, snorkeling and kayaking are always an option. Wind surfers have nothing but praise for Lake Arenal. It is considered one of the world's best wind surfing spots and on good days you can cruise over 25 miles across the lake. There might not be anything more romantic when you're on vacation with the one you love than enjoying a horseback ride. Whether its on the beach or through a National Park, the experience is sure to be memorable. Other popular outdoor activities to be enjoyed while in Costa Rica include hiking, mountain biking, deep sea fishing, bungee jumping, sailing, bird watching and ballooning. More adventurous activities include repelling down through the center of waterfalls, canopy tours through the tropical trees and white water rafting.

A Mecca for Nature Lovers: Nature lovers should take advantage of Costa Rica's numerous National Parks and refuges. Crocovado is both a rain forest and black sand beach. The Tabacon Hot Springs is nature's equivalent to the Jacuzzi. Unwind near cascading waterfalls in the various pools and hot springs. A trip to the Monteverde Cloud Forest will almost guarantee a sighting of Costa Rica's most famous bird, the Quetzal. The Rain Forest Aerial Tram is located out of San Jose, the country's capital, and offers a guided canopy tour of the rain forest. Manuel Antonio Park is teeming with monkeys and other wildlife. The Tortuguera is Costa Rica's most famous protected nesting area. If you are not a fan of outdoor activities, don't worry, there is plenty else to do and see. The National Museum traces Costa Rica's colorful history and culture. The museum was founded in 1887 and is located in San Jose. Patrons of the arts should try and catch one of the numerous performance put on at the National Theater. The National Theater offers classical music and opera performances in addition to others. Sarchi is located outside of San Jose and is a great place to visit and admire the country's handicraft.

Visit to receive a FREE Costa Rica vacation package quote.

Aventuras Elegantes, AVEL, S.A. We are an american and costa rican group. Aventuras Elegantes, AVEL, S.A., started operation in 1995 as a receptive tourism agency specialized in promoting Costa Rica as a tourist destination worldwide.

Cheap International Travel Secrets

by: Steve Gillman
What is the real secret to cheap international travel? It is the same as the secret to doing anything for less. Learn to be an opportunist. Opportunistic travelers get to travel more, see more and do more. Of course, you can ignore this advice if you have unlimited funds.

I went to Ecuador because it was cheap. Honestly, aren't there many interesting places in this world? Why not choose one you can travel to inexpensively? The other places will be there in the future, and you may have an opportunity to go to those places cheaply at some point.

Cheap Countries

Ecuador is my favorite international destination. You can still get a decent meal for two dollars. U.S. dollars, by the way, since that's conveniently the official currency of Ecuador now. From the beautiful snow-capped Andes mountains, to the Galapagos Islands, you'll never run out of places to explore in Ecuador. Travel there is safe and inexpensive.

South America in general is inexpensive, and the most affordable countries are, in my opinion, the most beautiful. These are the countries along the Andes mountains; Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Argentina, thanks to it's recent economic troubles, is once again a cheap place for travelers as well.

In Central America, it costs very little to travel and vacation in both Nicaragua and Guatemala. Nicaragua, in particular, has become more stable and safe for travelers in recent years. Costa Rica is a wonderful too, and though it is one of more expensive counties of Central America, that probably still leaves it cheaper than Europe.

In Asia, India is still low-cost, especially if you stay in the numerous hostels and boarding houses. Thailand and Indonesia are also very cheap. With all international destinations, the plane tickets will be your single biggest travel expense. This is especially true with the asian countries. Being there is cheap, but getting there may not be.

Cheap International Travel Tips

Wherever you go, there are things you can do to keep it cheap. Eat where locals eat, for example, instead of at the tourist restaurants. To keep it really cheap, eat fruit from street markets (wash it well) and packaged snacks from grocery stores.

Visit the free and cheap attractions first. It's possible you'll have so much fun that you'll never get around to doing the expensive things. A higher price means better quality with travel bags, but not with travel experiences.

Busses are cheaper than taxis in any country, but be careful of crowded city busses, where pickpockets hang out. Walking is even cheaper, and it's a great way to learn about a city. Just ask the locals where the dangerous parts are before you wander too far.

For cheap accommodations find out where local visitors from within the country stay. Negotiating room charges is common in some areas. In Banos, Ecuador, we negotiated our room rate down from $12 to $6 per night, by paying for several nights in advance. Consider hostels, if you don't mind sharing a room. They're much more common overseas.

Cheap international travel is often only as cheap as your plane tickets. Use the techniques outlined on our site to save big on tickets, or search the fares to several interesting countries. If one is $500 less than the others, consider going there. $500 can buy a few extra days, or an extra mini-vacation some other time.
About the Author

Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled the U.S. and Mexico alone at 17. Now 40, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. To read their stories, tips and travel information, visit:

GOLDEN RING of Russia - Travel Guide, Part 2

Sergiev Posad (founded in 1345, population 115,000) - the spiritual center of Russia, residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, where the remains of the first national saint, Sergei Radonezh, rests. In the heart of Sergiev Posad is a well-preserved splendid architectural ensemble of over 50 historical buildings, as well as magnificent art collections including old Russian painting and the treasures in the vaults of the former Trinity Monastery.

Suzdal (founded in 1024, population 12,000) - this little quiet town is a real gem, one of the most beautiful in the Golden Ring collection of citeis and towns. In the 11th century Suzdal became the very first forepost of Christianity in the North-Eastern Russia and significantly affected the religious life in Russia until the end of 19 century. The town was destroyed by Mongols in 1238. Later Suzdal became the capital city of Russian prince Yury Dolgoruky who is considered to be the founder of Moscow. The second destruction of the town came with the Polish invasion in the 17th century. Here you can find over 100 church and secular buildings dating from the mid-12th to the mid-19th century crowded into a area of 9 square km.

Tutaev (founded in 1283, population 45,000) - is an old little town sprawling on both banks of the Volga river. Tutaev (formerly known as Romanovo-Borisoglebsk) is divided by the Volga river into two parts. The former town Romanov is located on the left high bank of the river, the former town Borisoglebsk is on the right sloping one. Romanov was called after the Russian prince Roman of Uglich who was the founder of this town, Borisoglebsk got its name in connection with the Church of St. Boris and St. Gleb erected there in the 15th century. The towns were united under the new name Romanovo-Borisoglebsk in 1822. In 1918 the town's name was changed to Tutaev in honour of the Red Army hero who was killed during the Civil war .

Uglich (founded in 937, population 38,000) - the town was built on a major trade route. In its history Uglich has survived destruction by the Mongols and lived through the devastation of fires and plagues. Uglich is famous for Russia's darkest secret - the death of young Prince Dimitri, son of Ivan the Terrible who is often called Tsarevich (a heir to the throne) Dmitry. The Tsarevich, a sickly boy, was the last of the Rurik dynasty. While playing with a knife in the yard he stabbed himself by accident or was stabbed by an assassin allegedly sent by Boris Godunov, his competitor for the throne. The center of the town also is a historical and architectural landmark. The streets are wide, with various churches standing side by side along the road. These churches vary in size and have domes and belfries of different shapes and designs, all of which add to the charm of this small town. Uglich is known in Russia for simple-designed and reliable watches. The local factory, which makes beautiful women's watches decorated with special "Finift" paintings on porcelain which are incorporated into the bands of the watches.

Vladimir (founded in 1108, population 400,000) - one of the oldest Russian cities, was founded by the Russian Prince Vladimir Monomakh on the banks of the Kliazma river. The city really blossomed in the 12th century during the reign of Prince Andrey Bogolubsky, who strengthened its defences, welcomed architects, icon-painters, jewellers from other countries, built new palaces and churches so magnificent that travelers compaired them with the ones in the "mother of all Russian cities"- Kiev. Until the middle of 14th century the city had been an administrative, cultural and religious center for North-Eastern Russia. During the Mongol invasion in the 13th century Vladimir was beseiged, looted and almost totally destroyed. Presently the city is a capital of the Vladimir province.

Yaroslavl (founded in 1010, population 600,000 ) - as the legend goes it was founded by the famous Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise as a fortified settlement on the Volga river. After a huge fire of 1658 that turned most of the city into ruins, Jaroslavl was rebuilt in stone and reached the peak of its architectural development with palaces and churches richly decorated with beautiful frescoes and ornaments thus earning the title "Florence of Russia". The first Russian professional theater was established here by Volkov in 1750. Since the 18th century Jaroslavl has been an important industrial center. Today it is a quiet metropolitan city, one of Russia's largest regional centres, a capital of the Jaroslav province and one of the most beautiful cities of old Russia.

Yuriev-Polsky (founded in 1152, population 20,000) - was founded by the Prince Yury Dolgoruky (who also founded Moscow in 1147) and named after himself. The second word "Polsky" means "among the fields" as it is situated in the heart of fertile and flat Suzdal land. These beautiful landscapes inspired the great painters and writers such as Repin, Tyutchev, Odoevsky, Soloukhin. Local textile centre since the 18th century.

HOW TO GET THERE: By plane to Moscow. From Moscow you can travel the cities and towns of the Golden Ring either by a tour bus or by a river cruise ship. The last option limits the number of towns that you can visit as they have to be situated close to the Volga river. We recommend you to take a bus tour for 3 to 10 days depending on your stamina and level of interest in Russian history. A typical 3-4-day tour from Moscow covers up to 7 cities and towns of the Golden Ring. You travel during the day time in a comfortable bus with a well-trained English-speaking guide and spend nights at hotels with Western-class service (usually- 3 star). The Golden Ring tour can be perfectly combined with 2-3 day program in Moscow. Almost every major travel agency in Moscow sells Golden Ring tours and it is much cheaper to buy them on the spot in Russia then to purchase a tour included into a vacation package from Europe or overseas. Communication is not a problem, these days all personnel in respectable agencies in Russia speak English.

WHEN TO GO: The best season to travel to Russia is summer, from June to August, the warmest time of the year there. Rains are usual during summers, do not forget to pack your umbrella. Weather can be unpredictably cold, even in the European part of Russia, so take some warm clothing. You can check next week weather forecast for Moscow here.

TRAVEL TIPS: A passport and a Russian visa are required to travel in or transit through Russia. To learn more about how to obtain Russian visa please visit Russian Embassy website. Without a visa, travelers cannot register at hotels and may be required to leave the country immediately via the route by which they entered, at the cost of the traveler. Russian customs officers strictly follow document regulations so travelers are advised to have all papers in order. It is also recommended that additional copies of passport and visa be kept in a safe place in case of loss or theft. Elderly travelers and those with existing health problems may be at risk due to inadequate medical facilities. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash/dollar payment for health services at Western rates so supplemental medical insurance with specific overseas coverage is very useful. Travelers should be certain that all immunizations are up-to-date, especially for diphtheria and typhoid. Quality of tap water varies from city to city but normally is quite poor. Only boiled or bottled water should be drunk throughout Russia. Crime against foreigners in Russia continues to be a problem, especially in major cities. Pick pocketing, assaults, and robberies occur. Foreigners who have been drinking alcohol are especially vulnerable to assault and robbery in or around night clubs or bars, or on their way home. Robberies may occur in taxis shared with strangers. Be aware that public washrooms are difficult to find, and usually you have to pay there. To use a public phone you will need a token or local card. International calls can not be made from street phones. Your mobile phone will work in Moscow and Saint Petersburg but seldom in regional cities. Taxi fee must be discussed with a driver before a journey. In the major cities you can rent a car if you do not mind fairly rugged road conditions, a few hassles finding petrol, getting lost now and then and paying high rent price. Public transport in Russia is quite good, cheap and easy to use though sometimes overcrowded. Restaurants seldom have a menu in English. Tipping is expected but not mandatory. Signs in English are common on the streets of Moscow and other big cities. In large cities it is not hard to find a passerby who can answer your questions in Engish. Electricity throughout Russia is 220 volt/50 hz. The plug is the two-pin thin European standard.

We wish you a safe and nice trip!

For more information, descriptions of main points of interest in every town of the Golden Ring, some photographs and useful links about Russian history please visit us:

About the Author - one of leading online discount travel agencies, a source of useful travel information.

International Travel Safety Information for Students

by: Lynn Bode
As the time approaches for spring or summer breaks, many college students are getting ready for that much anticipated trip abroad. Most will have a safe and enjoyable adventure, but for some the trip will become a nightmare. A number of vacations are ruined by one or more of the following: drugs, alcohol, and disorderly behavior.

Each year, more than 2,500 American citizens are arrested abroad -- about half on narcotics charges, including possession of very small amounts of illegal substances. A drug that is legal in one country may not be legal in a neighboring nation. Some young people are victimized because they are unaware of the laws, customs, or standards of the country they are visiting.

Besides drugs, alcohol can also cause trouble for U.S. citizens traveling abroad. Students have been arrested for being intoxicated in public areas, for underage drinking, and for drunk driving. Some young Americans go abroad assuming that local authorities will overlook such conduct. Many believe that they are immune from prosecution in foreign countries because they are American citizens. The truth is that Americans are expected to obey all of the laws of the countries they visit, and those who break these laws sometimes face severe penalties, including prison sentences.

Disorderly or reckless behavior is also to be avoided. In many countries, conduct that would not result in an arrest in the United States constitutes a violation of local law. Being arrested is not the only misfortune that can occur on a foreign vacation. Young Americans have suffered injury or even death from automobile accidents, drowning, and falls, in addition to other mishaps. While these accidents are sometimes chance occurrences, many are caused by alcohol or drug abuse. Sadly, other Americans have been sexually assaulted or robbed because they have found themselves in unfamiliar locales or are incapable of exercising prudent judgment while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Other hidden safety issues are of major concern as well. Because standards of security, safety and supervision are not the same in many countries as they are in the U.S., many young persons have died after automobile accidents, after falls from balconies, after falls into open ditches, by drowning in the ocean as well as in hotel pools, and in water-sports mishaps, among others. In some countries, the water sports industry is not carefully regulated. Unlicensed operators have been linked to assaults, and a number of Americans have been killed or injured by the improper use of jet-skis and other personal watercraft. It is crucial that young Americans be aware of these risks as they are enjoying their time abroad.

Young Americans traveling abroad should remember that reckless behavior while in another country can do more than ruin their vacation; it can land them in a foreign jail, cause them to suffer physical harm, or worse. It is possible to have a safe and fun trip if they avoid risky behavior and become familiar with the basic laws and customs of the country they plan to visit before they travel.

More information about traveling abroad is available at the Department of State's web site:

CYPRUS - the Divided Country, Travel Guide

Nestled into the eastern part of Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. Cyprus history for the past 10,000 years has seen civilizations come and go and famous historical figures such as Alexander the Great to Cleopatra stake their claim here. According to the legend, Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty was born here. From independent travellers to honeymooners, archaeology enthusiasts to friends of nature, adventure lovers to people enjoying lazy days on a beach visitors to Cyprus find offers to everyone's taste. Food lovers feast on farm-fresh halloumi cheese and delectable meze, the local specialty appetizers that mix Western ingredients with Eastern zest. Business travelers appreciate the fine, modern conference facilities and warm, professional service at numerous hotels and resorts. Since 1974 there have been two countries on the island of Cyprus - the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the southern Republic of Cyprus. So you can actually visit two countries for the price of one. We invite you to get a delightful taste of what both Greece and Turkey have to offer: beautiful sunny beaches, small charming villages, ruins of ancient civilizations and distinctive local cultures. HISTORY: Cyprus (Kypros in Greek) gave copper its latin name: cuprum. First Greeks settled on Cyprusin the late Bronze Age (1,600 B.C.) and established trade links with Egypt and the Aegean islands. During this period ceramic art first flourished. Alexander the Great wrestled the island away from the Persians . As centuries passed by, the island came consequently under Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian, and Roman rule. The Roman emperor Marc Antony gave Cyprus as a gift to his lover, the beautiful Cleopatra. Then came a long period of Byzantine domination. For a hundred years until 1571 the flag of the Republic of Venice flew in Cyprus, when the Ottoman Turks occupied it. In 1878 Cyprus became part of the British Empire. It gained independent status in 1960. Cyprus History - Recent Past and Present: A Greek, Archbishop Makarios, became an elected president. On 15 July 1974 a CIA-sponsored, Greek-organised coup overthrew Makarios and replaced him with a puppet leader. Turkey responded by invading the island and Greece quickly pulled out, but the Turks did not stop and took the northern third of the island, forcing 180,000 Greek Cypriots to flee their homes. In 1983 Turkish Cypriots proclaimed a separate state, naming it the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Peace talks have been held sporadically, but Cyprus remains divided. ATTRACTIONS:NICOSIA: The island's capital city is divided in two parts by the UN-patrolled Green Line, which separates the Republic from Northern Cyprus. Nicosia is a friendly, laid-back place, with good restaurants, museums, and a lively art scene.A visit here should give you a less touristy view of the country than you'll get if you stick to the coastal towns. The old town , inside the 16th-century Venetian walls, is the most interesting part of Nicosia, a home to numerous little shops where you can bargain directly with the owners. The Cathedral of St.John houses some outstanding frescoes. The Cyprus Archeological Museum exhibits the priceless collection of Cypriot antiquities and art treasures. Visiting Nicosia gives you a chance to cross the Green Line and to explore the Turkish part of the capital city. Passing through the "no man" zone within the Green Line, where everything is left untouched since the 1974 military action, seeing houses covered with bullet holes leaves unforgetable impression. The Turkish part of Nicosia is smaller, has less things to see, but carries its own charm and specific culture. More about going to the Northern Cyprus- here. PAPHOS: One of the most beautiful parts of the island, place where, according to the legend, Aphrodite arose from from the foaming waves. Among the souvenir shops you'll see Saranta Kolones, a Lusignian fortress destroyed by an earthquake in the 13th century; it's mostly fallen columns and sewer tunnels. The underground Tombs of the Kings dated back to the 4th century are carved out of the solid rock, some of them are frescoed and are thought to have been the burial sites of aristocrats and high officials. In Greco-Roman times Paphos was the island's capital, and it is famous for the remains of the Roman Governor's palace, House of Dionysos , with its stunning mosaics which is now a major tourist attraction. There is a small harbour and an upper town slightly to the north where the larger shops, offices and town administration are based. TROODOS MASSIF: The Troodos region mountains, in the country's south, are unforgettable. This is where the highest point on the islanond - mount Olympus (1,952m, 6,507ft) located. Kykkos Monastery, in the western Troodos, is the best known Christian Orthodox monastery. Built in the 12th century, it's been completely renovated and contains a museum of religious icons including the icon of Christ and the Virgin Mary painted by St. Luke himself. On the Throni Peak in the region there is a tomb of Archibishop Makarios, the first Cyprus President. COLOSSI CASTLE: Built by the Crusaders (Hospitallers, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem) in the 13th century this castle served as their headquarter. This well-preserved castle , restored in 1933 is a good example of military architecture of that period. A spiral staircase leads up to the roof and the restored battlements. There are also plenty of citrus orchards in the area, and you can pick up some of country's juiciest oranges in the markets here. SALAMIS: It was the most important pre-Christian city in Cyprus. You could easily spend a day here, exploring these very extensive ruins that include a fully restored Roman amphitheatre, the gymnasium with marble baths, and the mosaics, a temple of Zeus, numerous statues of the 4th century. Byzantine remains include the basilica of Bishop Epiphanos (4th century AD). The necropolis of Salamis covers 7 sq. km (almost 3sq.miles) to the west of the town. It contains a museum showing some of the finds. Close to the site is a very nice beach, so bring your swimming suits. ACTIVITIES: A country of resorts, Cyprus has plenty of places where you can try water sports. If it's windsurfing or sailing you want, head to the peninsulas and capes, where the wind is strongest. There's also at least one sea-diving site in each of the big resorts. Mountain biking and hiking are possible all over the island, with specially marked trails in the southern hills, on the Akamas Peninsula and in the Troodos. Although hardly renowned for its skiing, Cyprus does have a resort on the northeastern face of Mount Olympus, but it's not exactly world standard. For a golf fan there are several courses, the most popular are in the Paphos district. Spear-fishing (without aqualung) angling, fishing with vertical lines or trolling are the permitted methods for which no licence is required. Birdwatching trips and social events are organized for members and the general public. Horse-riding can be enjoyed at special centres, professional training facilities, equipped with instructors who provide lessons for beginners and advanced riders. want, head to the peninsulas and capes, where the wind is strongest. GETTING THERE AND AROUND, ACCOMODATIONS: The Republic of Cyprus has airports at Larnaka and Paphos, you can book a flight from most of Europe and the Middle East. North Cyprus has an international airport at Ercan, only Turkish airlines fly there. By sea, you can get to Greece and Israel from the Republic's port in Lemesos. There are ferries from North Cyprus to Turkey, but you cannot exit Cyprus this way unless you entered from Turkey. Bus services run within and between towns every day except Sunday, they are cheap, frequent and efficient. Visitors may travel between the North and the South. 2 and 3- day cruises from Cyprus to Jerusalem, Cairo and Jordan are very popular among tourists. They can be booked through any travel agency on the island. Prices start from $300 USD. 9-11-night Eastern Mediterranean cruises with Cyprus' Limassol as one of ports of call would cost you from $1,200 USD. Hotel prices start from $65 USD/room in peak season when booked through our agency. WHEN TO GO, WEATHER: The climate here is typically Mediterranean, with very hot July and August. There are over 300 sunny days per year. Mid-May to mid-October is the ideal season for swimming, sunbathing and watersports. Temperatures are cooler in the mountaneous Troodos area, making it ideal for hiking or simply relaxing. December and January are the months of wet and cool Mediterranean winter. Troodos is ideal for skiing at this time. The first flowers bloom in January, and by mid-February there are fresh green meadows and blooming almond trees. March days are still cool (daytime temperatures around 19C or 65F, 9C or 40F at night). In April and into the middle of May spring is in full force. This is an ideal time for nature hikes and off-road adventures. The most pleasant times to visit Cyprus are April-May and September-October. Visit <a href=""> for a full guide to Cyprus with travel tips and useful links. We wish you a nice and safe trip!

About the Author - one of leading online discount travel agencies, a source of useful travel information. Lowest special Internet hotel rates guaranteed.

Discover How A Pauper Travels Like A King

by: Alice
Why do we travel? How is it that we humans continually move from one place to another, always expectant, ready and eager to explore and learn? It is in our genes to grow and search. Our earliest ancestors always moved about to find new fields of opportunity, new hunting grounds, new vistas. Why do we travel? How is it that we humans continually move from one place to another, always expectant, ready and eager to explore and learn? It is in our genes to grow and search. Our earliest ancestors always moved about to find new fields of opportunity, new hunting grounds, new vistas.

In this modern age we travel for pleasure; we vacation. Not from necessity, but from a desire to experience other cultures and ways of life. We also travel for business. Opportunity to gain financial prosperity many times requires us to travel to a new city, even a new country.

Mankind has gained remarkably from its willingness to travel. Humanity has conquered strange lands, settled in disparate places, created whole new civilizations in distant locales. Our species is all the better for our traveling.

Have you noticed how your spirit is always refreshed after a time of travel? You return with new eyes, or you may stay at your destination, but you always do so with a larger vision of your life, with a more receptive attitude toward living. You can tackle problems that have plagued you with a fresh perspective. Your travel has freed you to a great extent. Now you are more than when you first left on your journey. You have allowed a finer sensibility to arise in your soul. We are always touched by our travels.

Cruise Directors will hate me for revealing this one!
About the author:

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Cheap Travel Secrets

by: Steve Gillman
There are two ways to save money traveling. The first way is  to get the best deals on the specific things you want. There is a limitation to this type of approach though. If , for example, you find the lowest price on the best hotel in Honolulu at the height of the season, you will save money, but still have a very expensive vacation. Trying to
get exactly what you want, or what you think you want, will generally be an expensive proposition, in travel and in life.

Be A Travel Opportunist

The other approach is to be a true opportunist. This will be difficult for some of you, and entirely unacceptable to others. Nonetheless, the travelers who get to travel the
most, go to the widest variety of places, learn the most and do the most, are the opportunists. This will be true until you are so wealthy that you have no monetary limits.

The first time I went to Ecuador, I went there because it was cheap. If it wasn't, I would have had a great time - somewhere else. The trip lasted a month, and cost $1045, which included airfare and even the $130 fee for a guide to take me to the top of glacier-covered Mount Chimborazo.

I cut the cost by taking a bus from my home in Michigan to Miami, and back again when I returned from Ecuador. The round-trip ticket cost $158. The round-trip flight to Quito from Miami was only $256, because it was a courier flight, which meant I signed for some luggage (car parts), and could only take carry-on luggage.

Never did I feel deprived, or bored. I had a great time, eating wherever it was cheap and clean, doing all sorts of inexpensive, but interesting things, and traveling across
the country to climb Chimborazo. I also met and fell in love with my wife Ana.

How To Become An Opportunist Traveler

Can you drink rum at a dollar per bottle, instead of your favorite beer? Can you eat chicken instead of steak? How about visiting the free sights first, and dancing in the
street festival instead of the disco?

Being an opportunist means you'll have just as much variety, and probably almost everything you want - eventually. You just have to stop trying to get exactly what you want exactly when you want it. If the guide that took me up Chimborazo hadn't dropped his price from $200 to $130, I would have spent $2 for a bus and gone hiking on El Altar, another great Andean mountain. That would have left me with enough money for several other minor adventures.

More Secrets Of Cheap Travel

Plane Tickets: My wife and I were planning a trip to visit family in Ecuador. The cheapest airfare from Traverse City, Michigan to Quito, was $1720. Out of curiosity, I
checked Miami to Quito, and it was only $404. Airfare from Traverse City to Miami was $300. Book two separate flights and save more than $2000! The discount sites aren't set up to search in this way (yet), so you have to do this on your own. By the way, the whole six-week trip, which we took in 2004, cost $2400, including losing $100, and being robbed of $174.

Food: Whether traveling here or in other countries, it is usually cheaper to buy some healthy snacks in a grocery store, rather than eat every meal in a restaurant.
When you do eat in restaurants, it can be cheaper to to order individual items on the menu from the list of appetizers or side dishes. You also may get more variety in
that way.

Accomodations: For a long trip, you may want to rent an apartment in an interesting city. We did this for two months in Tucson, for about $600 less per month, compared to even the cheaper motels. Watch for hotel coupon-books in gas stations. The coupons will often save you $10 on a room you would have stayed in anyhow. If you have a conversion van or RV, you can camp a couple nights a week, like we do, to save on motels. We love the hotsprings we've stayed at, for a $3 fee to the BLM, instead of $40 for the cheapest motel in the area.

Travel Expenses: Do more and travel less. It is often the traveling part that costs the most, due to the cost of gas, convenient fast food, and expensive hotels you are
forced to pay for when you just can't drive any further. So if you find a place with a reasonable motel, and a lot to do in the area - stay for a while!

About the Author

Steve Gillman traveled alone across the U. S. and Mexico at
17. Now 40, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in
Ecuador. His stories, tips and information on travel and
backpacking, can be found on his websites,, and

CDC Reinstates Travel Alert for Toronto

by: Lynn Bode
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reinstated a travel alert for Toronto, Canada, because of reports of new possible cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

CDC lifted the travel alert on May 20, 2003, because more than 30 days (or three SARS incubation periods) had elapsed since the date of onset of symptoms for the last reported case. However, on May 22, Canadian health officials reported a cluster of five new probable SARS cases, which led to today’s reinstatement of CDC’s travel alert for Toronto.

In response to the outbreak of SARS, CDC has issued two types of notices to travelers: advisories and alerts. A travel advisory recommends that non-essential travel to an area be postponed. A travel alert does not advise against travel to a particular area, but informs travelers of a health concern and provides advice about precautions they can take to reduce their risk of exposure.

CDC is again recommending that U.S. travelers to Toronto take precautions to safeguard their health. These include avoiding settings where there has been evidence of transmission of SARS, such as health care settings. CDC does not recommend the routine use of masks or other personal protective equipment while in public areas.

Global Migration and Quarantine officials from CDC will again be distributing health alert cards to travelers returning to the United States from Toronto. The cards outline the symptoms of SARS and recommend that people returning from Toronto monitor their health for 10 days and alert their physician if they develop a fever or respiratory symptoms, such as a cough or shortness of breath.

CDC also recommends that travelers to Toronto practice careful hand hygiene – a first line of defense for reducing an individual’s risk of a variety of infectious diseases, such as SARS. As a general rule, CDC recommends frequent hand washing with soap and water. If hands are not visibly soiled, alcohol-based hand rubs may be used as an alternative.

Anyone planning travel to Toronto should be aware of the current SARS outbreak, stay informed daily about SARS through various Websites, including and, and closely follow recommended travel advisories and infection control guidance at

Cancun Vacations offer the chance to travel Mexico and stay

by: Mike Yeager
Cancun vacations offer white sandy beaches, warm tropical sun and beautiful blue water. Some of the finest Mexico resorts can be found in Cancun. One of the great things about Cancun vacations is the short time it takes to get there to travel Mexico. Only a couple of hours flying time and you can be staying at one of many Mexico resorts offering you the chance to relax, tan and even travel Mexico.

When you decide on one of several Cancun vacations you'll find that even though you're in a foreign country, there are many familiar U.S. hotels and restaurants. Cancun Vacations, beautiful Mexico resorts, beautiful beaches and people are all waiting for you.

Cancun vacations at lush Mexico resorts can easily be found on the internet. Imagine snorkeling in warm, blue water in the afternoon. Renting some jet ski's and feeling the spray of the surf splash your face as you frolic like a kid with a new toy. Have you ever felt the thrill of being lifted into the air under a big, billowy parasail? What an experience! Imagine the breathtaking view you would have as you floated above the sun, the sand and surf with the warm tropical breeze blowing through your hair. All this and more is yours when you choose to "get away from it all" in Cancun.

About the Author

Mike Yeager

Did I Pack My Toothbrush? Getting Organized for Travel

by: Stacey Agin Murray

For many of us summertime = vacation time. Some people will spend their days off at the local pool. Some may choose to sightsee in their own town. Many will leave behind the comforts of home for the open road. Regardless of the destination or mode of transportation, it is important to be organized for travel.

A few benefits of being organized for travel:

1. Being organized will save you time.

Having a copy of your packing list on the computer will cut down on the time used for re-creating it every time you travel.

2. Being organized will save you money.

Doing pre-travel shopping at home will save you big bucks (especially on film and batteries...) that might be otherwise be spent at a tourist trap.

3. Being organized will save you stress.

No need to stress while scrounging for your tickets and ID at the airport if all of your paperwork is organized in one place.

Follow these organizing tips to keep your vacation a stress-free, time and money saving event:

Plan ahead. Create a general itinerary before you travel. Grab pen and paper and jot down your travel times, hotel check-in/check-out times, and a list of activities/places you’d like to visit. This will help you make sure you have allowed enough time to get to your destination, and whether or not you’ve scheduled too many activities for one day.

* Stop by your local ‘AAA’ office for a Triptik and other travel-related services to help map out your route if driving.

Create a checklist to help you pack. Keep it on the computer so you don’t have to write it over every time you leave home. Use it as a template and update it before each trip to include anything new such as medications, toiletries, accessories, etc.

Keep all information related to your trip in one place. Create a folder for papers such as reservations, confirmations, and tickets. When you look for the information you need before or during your trip, you’ll have it all at your fingertips.

Keep a toiletry bag packed with small sized travel sized-containers all year round. By doing so, you’re always ready for a long trip or an overnight stay. Take a quick inventory of its contents before you leave home—you might have run out of toothpaste on your last trip.

*If your favorite products don’t come in sample sizes, purchase small, travel sized containers and fill them with your favorite shampoo and creams. Label them clearly so you don’t accidentally condition your hair with a facial moisturizer...

Place items you’ll need immediately at the top of your suitcase. Items such as comfortable shoes, pajamas, and toiletries are more easily accessible if they’re closer to top. When you’re tired from a long journey, the last thing you want to be doing is rummaging through your suitcase.

Use suitcase organizers to separate outfits or types of clothing. Products such as Pack-It Cubes or Ziploc bags do the job well. Hefty makes One-Zip 2.5 gallon bags (found in many supermarkets) that are large enough to organize clothes and later can be used to keep laundry or wet bathing suits away from the rest of your belongings.

*Wearing your bulkiest pair of shoes while traveling will give you more space in your suitcase.

Organize your wardrobe around one basic color such as black, navy, or brown to prevent overpacking. You’ll be able to mix and match easily and you won’t need to bring a ton of different shoes. Also, when packing--think about your vacation activities. Will they include hiking? Days at the beach? Having dinner with relatives? Think ahead and pack items you may need for those activities such as band-aids for hiking, aloe vera for sunburns, and the scarf Aunt Shirley gave you for your birthday if you’ll be seeing her.

Travel safely and have an organized trip!

Stacey Agin Murray, professional organizer and owner of Organized Artistry, LLC, transforms 'mess' into 'masterpiece' with patience, organizing know-how, and a sense of humor. For more articles and to get your FREE e-list of 'Top Ten Tips for Organized Living' visit

Choosing the Best Times to Travel to Europe

by: Glynnis Farrow

Schedule Europe Trip for Best Seasons, Values

A journey to Europe is the holiday of a lifetime. Limitless sites and attractions are waiting throughout the continent. The prices and the weather are the major elements in deciding the prime travel periods.

A good compromise is to choose the period before and after the busy summer season, because the weather is mostly good and prices are lower. Southern Europe also offers a nice experience in the winter, with reasonably mild weather.

If nice weather is important to you, the winter is one of the worst times to see northern Europe. Gray, wet and cold weather is common December through February. And daylight is in short supply, so evenings will be spent primarily indoors.

However, winter travel offers the best prices. Italy or Greece would be good choices if you are limited to a winter vacation.

There are some other benefits to winter travel. Winter festivals and New Year's are exciting times in Europe. Cities such as Paris are beautiful when decorated for the Christmas holidays. New Year's eve in Paris is exciting, with parties, festivals and night life. Several other countries have holiday events and festivals as well.

The biggest benefit of winter travel is that you will see fewer other tourists. Your experience will be more authentic, seeing European life without the crush of people.

Early spring finds most of Europe still chilly and wet, especially in the north, so streets are uncrowded. Though not great for swimming, the weather is fine for outdoor tours and sightseeing. Budget-minded travelers will like the cheaper prices for airfare and hotels.

May and June are among the best months to visit most European countries. The weather is warm on most of the continent and it's still uncrowded. There are a variety of festivals and cultural events throughout Europe in May and June. Because the tourist season hasn't started into full swing yet, you can get good deals on accommodations and plane fare. An added benefit is few lines at most tourist attractions and plenty of room on tours and in restaurants.

Once schools let out, Europe quickly becomes crowded. The summer months are very busy and hotels get booked quickly. Because of the demand, everything is more expensive in the summer. Tourist destinations are very crowded and you will wait in lines at many attractions.

Northern Europe, with its good weather and smaller crowds, would be a good option for summer travel. Whatever season you choose, there are more than enough attractions to provide a great European holiday.

About The Author

Glynnis Farrow writes for the Europe site, YO Europe. Register for the Europe ezine at

Four Ways to Free/Low cost Travel Around Greece...and not on

by: Liana Metal

By Liana Metal

1.Free lodging!

Find a pen friend. Maybe you haven’t thought of this. It’s the best solution to your budget problems, but you can’t have it overnight! Greek people are hospitable and so are other countries’ people if you become friends with. It’s the simplest thing to do if you like writing letters or just exchanging cards and souvenirs. I’ve done it and a lot of other people have, why not you? Your friend will probably be happy to put you up for a couple of nights and show you around as well. The other alternative is to exchange your house/flat with somebody else’s abroad. There is a site online that will help you find a place . Try , they advertise ‘exchange homes free of charge’. Try also for offers and discounts.

2.Low cost travel

Stay at campsites. The cheapest alternative to free lodging, at least in Greece. You save money and have fun . Find a campsite at

3.Invest on a bike.

If you like cycling, then you can do it. In Greece you can cycle to most places and see areas that are worth visiting. You can easily rent a bike , and if you are in Corfu you can try

4.Rent a room in a village or at the port

There are families who rent rooms in their own house ; cheaper than hotel rooms but you have to follow the rules. Where can you find them?
Watch the port area if you come by ship. There are people who approach you and tell you about their own rooms around the area, at low prices. Sometimes you can even bargain to get a better price.

Well, if all these don’t suit you and you may own a caravan , you don’t have to worry about lodgings. You can stay at campsites at low cost, at the side of the road or even in a field for free. You can also hire a caravan and share the expenses, if you travel with friends.

Don’t know where to find one? In Greece you can try

Greece is ideal for traveling at low cost. But you must be inventive and explore all the sources available. Visit
This is a search engine that will help you find all the info you want. Just type the word Greece and click on Search.


About the Author

Liana Metal has been writing fiction , non fiction and ebooks, reviewing books and painting. Visit het at htp://
and become a contributor.

CDC Issues Health Alert Notice for Travelers to USA from Hon

by: Lynn Bode
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Saturday began distributing cards at airports receiving flights returning directly from Hong Kong warning travelers returning to the United States from Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China and Hanoi, Vietnam that they may have been exposed to cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The cards are being handed out by quarantine officials at Chicago, O’Hare International Airport; Los Angeles; New York City, JFK International Airport; Newark; and San Francisco. These airports are the only U.S. airports receiving direct flights from Hong Kong. No U.S. airports receive direct flights from Hanoi or the Guangdong Province. CDC officials expect to expand the distribution of cards to Anchorage, Alaska and the territory of Guam later today.

The travel cards warn those returning from the three areas that they should monitor their health for at least seven days. They are also advised to contact their physicians if they become ill with a fever accompanied by a cough or difficulty in breathing.

The cards also offer guidance designed to assist physicians in making a diagnosis by advising travelers to tell their physicians about recent travel to the affected regions, and whether they have been in contact with individuals who displayed symptoms of SARS.

As of March 15, 2003, the CDC had received reports of SARS cases in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China; Hanoi, Vietnam and Canada, Singapore and Thailand. For that reason the World Health Organization has issued emergency guidance for travelers and airlines so that persons displaying symptoms of the illness can receive immediate health care and can be brought to the attention of public health authorities. These individuals are also advised against traveling while ill.

The CDC advises physicians and other clinicians to be alert for travelers who:

Have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher;

One or more symptoms of respiratory illness including cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, hypoxia (deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues of the body), X-rays indicating the presence of pneumonia, or respiratory distress; AND

One or more of the following:

History of travel to Hong Kong or Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China, or Hanoi, Vietnam within seven days of symptom onset;

Close contact with persons with respiratory illness having the described travel history. Close contact includes having cared for, lived with, or had direct contact with respiratory secretions and body fluids of a person with SARS.

Additionally, airlines should:

Alert the destination airport of any passengers meeting the case definition criteria;

Arriving passengers who are symptomatic should be referred to health authorities for assessment and care;

Aircraft passengers and crew should be informed of the person’s status as a suspect case of SARS;

The passengers and crew should provide all contact information for how passengers can be reached for the subsequent 14 days to airport health authorities.

CDC advises that persons planning elective or nonessential travel to Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China and Hanoi, Vietnam may wish to postpone their trips until further notice. Detailed information can be found on CDC’s Traveler’s Health Website at

Do Your Homework When Traveling

by: Sue Taylor

When planning a trip, it is advisable to spend some time doing research even if you are booking through a Travel Agent. This research could save you a significant amount of money and perhaps prevent a miserable stay in a sub-standard hotel.

Many people have moved away from using Travel Agents. This is understandable due to the availability of cheap fares and hotel rooms through the internet. However, it is wise to consider the benefits of utilizing a professional particularly when proposing to visit somewhere that you haven’t previously been. Some of the advantages of using a Travel Agent are gaining the benefit of their expertise, experience, personal service, ability and indeed the obligation to clarify and inform you of details in the fine print which you may miss if booking on your own account, their up to date knowledge of the latest deals and their ability to distill and interpret information to hopefully offer you the best value deal for your trip.

With that said, it is still prudent to conduct your own research. The Travel Agent can provide suggestions about a range of airlines you could use and different fares and advise on hotels in good areas within budget guidelines. At this point you have some great information to work off. You have not had to start from scratch. You have an idea as to which are the better priced airlines and the areas you should look at staying taking into account what you’re looking to do in a particular place. Now you can see if there are internet deals that may beat the air fares the Travel Agent has quoted you. In many cases these days, the Travel Agency will do what they can to equal or beat whatever publicized deal is out there. It is a very competitive industry. In the cases of hotels, many of the chains as well as some independents are claiming to have the best internet deals on their own sites. This is of benefit to both the consumer as well as the hotel. They don’t have to pay commission to a third party and you are dealing directly with the establishment that you are proposing to stay with who can answer any queries that you may have regarding elements of your accommodation as well as possibly saving money. You will also find that when booking direct off the hotel website that you may be offered upgrades or specials not available anywhere else.

The internet is also a great and up to date resource which can allow you to read reviews from consumers regarding airlines, hotels, sightseeing trips and just about anything that you can think of. This can be invaluable. If you go to a site such as you will find reviews on just about any hotel in the world. Many of the reviews provide excellent information about the hotel rooms, restaurants, attitude of the staff, cleanliness, activities and pool if they have one. If looking for reviews on airlines there are 2 particularly good sites – and

Don’t underestimate the value of a good Travel Agent but be prepared to put in some time to conduct your own research. The worst you could do is add to the excitement of planning for a trip and maybe you’ll even save yourself some money!

About The Author

Sue Taylor is a seasoned traveler who has lots of tips to offer anyone considering traveling whether it be personal or for business, Go to to read more about her travels on a personal basis.

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